Dorota 9th March 2016

 0    44 schede    engonskype
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to było bardzo dawno temu
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it was long ago / it was ages ago
Ile masz lat?
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How old are you?
Ile lat mają twoi rodzice?
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how old are you parents?
Nie wiem jak nazywamy to po angielsku.
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I don't know WHAT we call it in English.
krzesło do pracy przy biurku
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office chair
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backbone / spine
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Ona złamała rękę w zeszłym tygodniu.
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She broke her arm last week.
już nie
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not any more
I don't do it any more.
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Właśnie wzięłam prysznic.
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I've JUST taken a shower.
Właśnie kupiłam nowy rower.
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I've just biught a new bike.
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to avoid
postaraj się unikać tego tematu
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try to avoid this topic
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topic / subject
What's the topic of this book?
z rana
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in the morning
po południu
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in the afternoon
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in the evening
dzisiaj rano
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THIS morning
w niedzielę
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ON Sunday
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apart from
Apart FROM learning / studying English, I do sports.
Mam taką nadzieję.
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I hope so
pora roku
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w zeszły weekend
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last weekend
w weekend
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on the weekend / at the weekend
w weekendy
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on weekends / at weekends
Wszyscy poszli na siłownię oprócz mojej siostry.
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Everyone went to the gym apart from my sister.
Może spotkam się z chłopakiem.
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I might meet my boyfriend.
Może obejrzę coś w tv.
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I might watch sth on TV.
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w Wielkanoc
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AT Easter
w Niedzielę Wielkanocną
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ON Easter Sunday
pod tą tabelką
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below this table
po tej lekcji
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after this lesson
nad tą tabelą
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above this table
przed lekcją
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before the lesson
polscy nastolatkowie / polska młodzież
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Polish teenagers
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interests / hobbies
języki obce
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foreign languages
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i wydaje mi się, że to są najważniejsze rzeczy
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and these are the most important things, I guess

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