
 0    21 schede    Xizhen
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Domanda English Risposta English
what colour is number 10
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number 10 is red
how old are you?
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I'm 9 years old
what's your phone number?
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my phone number is 1 2 3 4
have you got a pen?
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no I haven't sorry
have you got a book
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yes I have, here you are
Mun, this is my friend Ben
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Hello Ben, Nice to meet you.
How are you?
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I'm fine, thanks
Have you got a brother or a sister?
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No, I haven't.
What would you like to dress up as?
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l'd like to dress up as a police.
Can I have the chocolate milk, pleased?
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Here you are.
Would you like a banana in your lunchbox?
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No thanks, I 'd like an apple and some plums, please.
How much ist ist?
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2 pounds
Hello, this is Xizhen speaking.
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Hi Jungs hier this is Xizhen
Can you come to my birthday party?
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I'd Love to come. When is it?
The party is on Saturday
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When does the Party start?
It starts at 2 o' clock.
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That sounds great. That you for inviting ma.
You' re welcome. See you later.
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Bye, See you.
Can I help you?
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I'd like a new T-shirt
It's too big.
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It's too small.
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I like it.
Oh no!
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I forgot my money!

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