December 4 100% 💥🐘⭐🦉🔥🚀🍕🌊🌅

 0    24 schede    jakubkoralewski
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Domanda Risposta
żółte kwiaty, różowe kwiaty, niebieskie kwiaty
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yellow flowers, pink flowers, blue flowers
moc kwiatów
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flower power
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flower shop
hurtownia kwiatowa
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flower center
specjalista od kwiatów
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flower specialist
Kupuję bilet
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I buy a ticket
jest modny
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it's trendy, sexy, hot
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Mam problem z kwiatami
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I have a problem with flowers
Mam pytanie dotyczące dokumentów
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I have a question about documents
Mam odpowiedź odnośnie dokumentów
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I have an answer about the documents
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small animals, insects
centrum handlowe
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shopping centre
sklep obuwniczy
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shoe shop
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insect killer
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Zabijam wszystkie owady
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I kill all the insects
Zabijam wszystkie problemy
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I kill all the problems
dostaję wszystkie problemy, rozwiązuję wszystkie problemy, OK
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I get all the problems, I get all the problems ok
Dostaję wielu klientów
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I get a lot of clients
marchewki dla papug
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carrots for parrots
Osiągamy sukces, osiągamy zysk
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We get success, we get profit

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