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chyba nie stchorzysz, co?
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you're not going to chicken out, are you?
Musisz sie uczyc na wlasnych bledach
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you have to learn from your own mistakes
pod zadnym pozorem nie utwieraj drzwi nieznajomemu
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under no circumstances are you to open that door
powinnismy ucxyc sie z doswiadczenia jazdego dnia
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we have to learn from experience every day
trace przytomność
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i'm losing consciousness
nie popieram robienia operacji plastycznych
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i don't approve of having cosmetic surgery
doszlam do wniosku, ze moje starania sa nadaremne
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i come to the conclusion that my efforts are vain
to ogromna ilosc\ suma pieniedzy
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it's a huge amount of money
obecnie moralne wartosci sa bardzo cenne/wartosciowe
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nowadays, moral values are really valuable/ precious
nie chce byc twoim krolikiem doswiadczalnym
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i don't want to be your guinea pig
chcesz mnie uwiesc?
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are you seducing me?
mam czyste sumienie
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i've a clear conscience
wprost przeciwnie
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on the contrary
nie jestem przekonany ze to wlasiwa decyzja
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i'm not convinced that it is the proper decision
ona probuje przekonac mnie do rozwodu
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she tries to persuade me to divorce
wlasnie w ten sposob waze za i przeciw
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that's how i weigh up the props and the cons
zawsze gram zgodnie z zasadami
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i always play by the book
jakims cudem uwolniono zakladnikow
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by some miracle the hostages were released
z reguly dzieci boja sie strzykawki
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as a rule children are afraid of syringe
to nieodwracalny skutek
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it's irriversible effect
wezme to pod uwage
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i will take it into account \ consideration
przespie sie z ta decyzja i powiem ci jutro
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i'll sleep on this decision, and let you know tomorrow
jetes wszechstronnie uzdolniona
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you are versatile talented/gifted
Cel uswieca srodki
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The end justifies the means
musisz poruszac sie zgodnie z kierunkiem wskazowek zegara
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you have to move clockwise
powinienes zarezerowac ten bilet wczesniej
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you should've booked that ticket earlier
dziewczynka z zapałkami
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the little match girl
to jest jak szukanie igly w stogu siana
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it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack
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nieprzewidziane okoliczności
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unforeseen circumstances
przymkne na to oko
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i will turn a blind eye to this
To oczywista oczywistosc
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that's a no-brainer
dostrzegac racje obu stron
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to see both sides of the argument
zawsze myslec o konsekwencjach
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always think about the consequences
dojsc do sedna problemu
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get to the root of a problem
nie badz taki wscibski
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don't be so pragmatic/ snoopy
moge zadac ci osobiste, intymne pytanie
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can i ask you a personal\ inmost question
przerwac rodzinna tradycje
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break with a family tradition
to podchwytliwy problem
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that's a very tricky problem
powinienes spełniać swoje zobowiązania
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you have to meet your commitments
tatuaż jest staly i na cale zycie
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a tattoo is permanent and for life
lubie byc szczera z ludzmi
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i like to be upfront with people
winne sumienie
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guilty conscience
okoliczności lagodzace
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mitigating/ attenuating circumstances
jestem wyczerpany
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i'm exhausted
nie wsadzaj nosa w nie swoje sprawy
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don't stick your bib in my cases
oszukac przeznaczenie
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to cheat the destiny
jestem zmieszany
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i'm confused
zle zachowanie dzieci przypisuje temu, se byly zmeczone
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i put the children's bad behaviour down to the they were tired
cztery wesela i pogrzeb
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four weddings and a funeral
wyznaczac granice
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draw the line
biorac wszystko pod uwage
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all things considered
w imieniu krola
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in the name of the king
narzekac na pogode
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moan about the weather
kolysac dziecko w kolysce
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to cradle a baby in a cradle
przezwyciężyć negatywne emocje
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overcome negative feelings
okazac wspolczucie/ kondolecje
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show empathy
nie badz taki zaborczy
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don't be so possessive
oni sa obrzydliwie bogaci
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they are stinking rich
zaprzeczam temu
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i deny this
niezaprzeczalny fakt
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undeniable fact
jestem zazdrosny o moja dziewczyne
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i'm envious/ jealous of my girlfriend
przezwyciezyc strach
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surmount the fear
masz niskie poczucie warosci
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you have low self-worth
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nie jestem pewien
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i'm not certain
jesmy rowno zazdrosni
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we are equally jealous
to szantaż
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that's a blackmail
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i get it
calkiem sporo
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quite a few
mogles nie zauwazyc że
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you might not have noticed that
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to grzech
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that's a sin
warsztaty artystyczne
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art workshops
jestem przeciw
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i'm against
jestem za
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i'm in favour of
jesli chodzi o mnie
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as far as i'm concerned
musze przyznac
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i must admit
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to zalezy od ciebie
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it's up to you/ it depends on you
jestem świadoma
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i'm aware of
ostatni, ale nie mniej wazny
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last but not least
nie ma uzasadnienia
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there's no justification
zdrowy rozsadek
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common sence
slomiany zapal
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short-lived zeal
raz od wielkiego swieta
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once in a blue moon
odrozniac dobro od zla
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to tell right from wrong
sprawiac, by ludzie pokazali sie z najlepszej strony
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bring out the best in people
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associate / put two and two together
spojna wypowiedz
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coherent statement
jestesmy kwita
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we're even-steven
musze sie zrewanzowac
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i have to get even
nie mozesz ulec jej namowom
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you can't give in to her suggestion
mam wyrzuty sumienia
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a have a pang of remorse
zrobilam to spontanicznie
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i did it of the spear of the moment
muzyka jest niesmiertelna
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music is immortal
moj życiorys zawodowy w tej dziedzinie jest wspanialy
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my track record in this field is quite amazing
blagam cię
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I'm begging you
modle sie o miłość
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I pray for love

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