czasy i gramatyka

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Domanda Risposta
Present Simple
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I / You / We / You / They have He / She / It has
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7 razy w roku
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7 times a year
dwa razy w miesiącu
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twice a month
codziennie / co tydzień / co miesiąc
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every day / week / month
3 razy dziennie
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3 times a day
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raz w tygodniu
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once a week
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siedzieć in inglese
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rarely, seldom
Present Continuous
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I am You / We / You / They are He / She / It is
Past Simple
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I did yesterday did you swim?
Past Continuous
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I / He / She / It was You / We / You / They were
Past Perfect
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I had seen Had we seen?
Present Perfect
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I / You / We / You / They have done He / She / It has visited
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do tej pory
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so far
zwykł coś robić: oznajmujące
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Podmiot + used to + czasownik
zwykł coś robić: pytające
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Did + podmiot + use to + czasownik
zwykł coś robić: przeczące
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Podmiot + didn't use to + czasownik
Długi dłuższy najdłuższy
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Long longer the longest
inteligentny bardziej inteligentny najbardziej inteligentny
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intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
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good better the best
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bad worse the worst
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far further the furthest
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much / many / a lot of more the most
tak dużo jak
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as much as
a jest lepsze niż b
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A is better than B
first Conditional
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Stosujemy gdy uważamy że spełnienie warunku jest prawdopodobne
first Conditional
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If + Present Simple, will + czasownik
second Conditional
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second Conditional
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If + Past Simple, would / could + czasownik
nakaz zewnętrzny
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have to
przymus wewnętrzny
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powiedz mi która jest godzina
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tell me what time it is
Czy może mi pani powiedzieć ile to kosztuje?
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Can you tell me how much it is?
0 Conditional
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Gdy mówimy o prawach przyrody lub uniwersalny zjawiskach i zasadach
0 Conditional
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if + Present Simple, Present Simple
3 Conditional
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Używane, aby opisać sytuację które mogłyby zaistnieć w przeszłości gdyby wtedy został spełniony jakiś warunek
3 Conditional
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if + Past Perfect, would + Present Perfect
mowa zależna (Reported Speech)
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Jeśli przytaczamy, co ktoś inny powiedział
Mowa zależna - zmiany: will, can, have, now, today, tonight, tomorrow, yesterday, next week, last month, ago, this, these, here
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would, could, had, then, that day, that night, the next day, the day before, the following week, the previous month, before, that, those, there
On powiedział mi że widział ją
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He told me he had seen her
Powiedziałem mu żeby usiadł
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I told him to sit down
strona bierna
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passive voice
Present Simple
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a letter is written
Past Simple
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a letter was written
Present Perfect
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a letter has been written
Past Perfect
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a letter had been written
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letter will be written
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a letter can be written
Present Continuous
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a letter is being written
Past Continuous
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a letter was being written
Present Perfect Continuous
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a letter has been being written
Past Perfect Continuous
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a letter had been being written

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