Czasownik "być"

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Wczoraj była była w szkole.
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She was at school yesterday.
Nie było go wczoraj w szkole.
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He wasn't at school at school yesterday.
Czy byłeś wczoraj w szkole?
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Were you at school yesterday?
Gdzie byłeś wczoraj?
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Where were you yesterday?
Byłem w domu.
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I was at home.
Gdzie twój brat był wczoraj?
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Where was your brother yesterday?
On był w kinie.
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He was at the cinema.
Gdzie one były wczoraj?
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Where were they yesterday?
One były w górach.
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They were in the mountains.
Jesteś szalony/a!
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You'are crazy!
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I'm back.
Oczywiście, że nie!
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Of course not!
Nie wiem.
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Dunno.(I don't know)

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