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Domanda English Risposta English
What was James doing at six p.m.?
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James was writing his homework.
Where was Susan walking when you met her?
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Susan was walking to the club.
Why was the baby crying all night?
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The baby was crying because she was ill.
What were you writing all moning?
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I was writing reports.
What was Jennifer cooking in the afternoon?
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Jennifer was cooking a pie.
How long were you waiting for us?
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We were waiting for a half an hour.
Where were you driving when we met last Friday?
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I was driving to work.
Who was talking on the phone at two p.m.?
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The secretary was talking on the phone.
What was Michael looking for in the evening?
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Michael was looking for his mobile phone.
How long were the students preparing for their maths exam?
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The students were preparing for the exam for six day.

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