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Domanda English Risposta English
When did your brother start studing? Was it in 1997?
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I'm not get anywhere this evening. I have a lot of work to do.
Catherine often wears extravagant clothes.
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Did the Browns travel to Greece by plane last summer?
Penguins don't build nests on trees.
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Is Mike in the office? Is he talking to anybody?
I didn't know Adam before the last party.
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John never smokes. He hates it.
Did you and Pam take part in the meeting last Friday?
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I put on two pullovers because I was really cold.
Stella doesn't usually speak fast.
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Tom can't see well because he is not wearing his glasses now.
When did your parents get married?
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There he is. I see him. He looks very nice in his dark suit.
Amy is very happy. Her boyfriend is returning from the tour today.
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Did you ask anyone for help when you were in trouble?
Our neighbours are moving to California next month.
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Frank's in hospital. He broke his leg several days ago.
How much do these workers earn a month?
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Lisa doesn't usually come late to school.

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