
 0    10 schede    krystyna1
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Domanda English Risposta English
What film did you watch in the cinema last Friday?
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We watched two films, a comedy and a thriller.
Does Sally often go shopping in the city centre?
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She drives to the centre once a week.
It's almost ten o'clock p.m... What are the children doing?
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They are still playing in their room.
When did Frank buy that comfortable winter jacket?
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He bought it at Harrods a few days ago.
Why is the cimputer on? Are you using it, Sarah?
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Yes, I am looking for some information on the Internet.
Where did you neighbours go last winter holiday?
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They spent it in the mountains.
Does Robert sometimes invite you to his parties?
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Oh, yes. He last invited us three weeks ago.
How much does the ticket cost?
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It's very cheap. It doesn't cost more than two pounds.
The passengers are still waiting for their bus to Dover.
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Last Monday, it arrived two hours late, too.
Why are you crying?
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I'm not crying. Jenny is just cuting an onion in the kitchen.

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