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I go jogging every day in the afternoon.
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Look! Somebody is riding on your bicyckle.
Jennifer is in a library. She is readinga book.
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Two months ago, our family moved to Belfast.
What do you do on a rainy day like this?
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Michael and his brother built a sandcastle yesterday.
The Simpsons are in their gareden. They are picking fruit.
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Where did he live before World War 2?
We don't go to the cinema every Sunday.
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Last summer, Diane stayed at home.
The Titanic sank on 14 April 1912.
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Don't disturb me. Can't you see am working?
Who always visits you at weekends?
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Jason and his father are in the garage.
They are repairing the car.
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Did you meet Alice on a train to Leeds last week?

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