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Domanda English Risposta English
Did Sally forget about her duties?
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No, she didn't forget about her duties
Did you write exams last week?
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No, we didn't write exams last week.
Did the dog bite abybody?
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No, the dog didn't bite anybody.
Did the children make much noise?
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No, they didn't make much noise.
Did Ronald tell the truth?
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No, he didn't tell the truth.
Did Mr Bead take many photos?
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No, he didn't take many photos.
Did Karen sleep till midday?
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No, she didn't sleep till midday.
Did your team lose the game?
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No, our team didn't lose the game.
Did is snow last autumn?
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No, it didn't snow last autumn.
Did your friends ring you yesterday?
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No, they didn't ring me yesterday.

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