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Domanda English Risposta English
Did Jeff ask you for help?
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No, he did not ask me for help.
Did Mrs Young visit her neighbours?
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No, she did not visit her neighbours.
Did you clean the floor?
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No, I did not clean the floor.
Did their train arrive early?
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No, it did not arrive early.
Did Lucy workin an office?
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No, she did not work in an office.
Did it snown in May?
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No, it did not snow in May.
Did George wait long?
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No, he did not wait long.
Did Susan talk to you yesterday?
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No, she did not talk to me yesterday.
Did the children play noisily?
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No, they did not play noisily.
Did you watch the football game?
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No, I did not watch the football game.

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