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Domanda English Risposta English
This is Michael. He always helps me with homework.
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I can see Rosy. She's standing at the bus stop.
Do you sometimes play cards with your father?
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Steven doesn't know this city. He's new here.
What Betty things about our plan?
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My father is in his office. He's writing something.
You seldom ask me questions.
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Every day, my mother makes sandwiches for us.
Are your friends watching for you outside now?
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Who sits here? My secretary does.
These girls don't undrestand Polish. They are French.
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What does Adam do in the evening?
Where is your son now? He's riding a bike in the park.
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Our students don't write exams very often.
Every winter, my uncle goes skiing in the Alps.
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Don't take the umbrella. It isn't rain.
It's a fast train. It always arrives on time.
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This isn't my place. I don't usually sit here.
Are your parents watching the news at the moment?
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Our daughter don't want to stay at home alone.

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