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Domanda English Risposta English
Look! Irene and Tom are kissing.
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We usually spend Christmas in the mountains.
Brian likes sweets a lot.
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I want to watch this film again.
What do you do? I'm a lawyer.
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Michael helps his father in the garage every Saturday.
My neighbours are very nice. We visit them quite often.
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Frank never comes late.
The Potters always invite us for dinner on Sunday.
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These clothers are dirty. I'm washing them now.
Adam's not at home. He is playing with his friends in the park.
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Everyday, Mrs Rose gets up at six a.m.
You seldom ask for my advice.
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Where do you come from Jacque? From France.
Speak more slowly please. I don't understand you.
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Mr and Mrs Hill are on holiday now. They are travelling in Greece.
Look! This is Alice. Where is she walking?
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I know this man. He'smy neighgour.
Make never remembers about his homework.
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Thomas is in his room. He is listening to music.

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