
 0    10 schede    krystyna1
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Domanda English Risposta English
Are you sleeping now?
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No, I am not sleeping now.
Is your father repairing a car now?
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Yes, he is repairing the car.
Is your teacher talking to you?
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No, he is not talking to me.
Are your parents working now?
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Yes, they are working now.
Is your best friend roller-skating now?
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No, he is not roller-skating now.
Is it snowing outside?
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Yes, it is snowing outside.
Are you writing letters at the moment?
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No, I am not writting letters at the moment.
Is your mother cooking now?
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Yes, she is cooking now.
Are your neighbours dancing now?
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No, they are not dancing now.
Is the sun shining?
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Yes, it is shining.

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