cooking 2

 0    18 schede    engonskype
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mąka z proszkiem do pieczenia
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self-raising flour
zacznij gotować
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bring it to a little boil / simmer
laska wanilii
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vanilla pod
zdrapać coś
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scrape something out
to scrape sth INTO sth
wmieszać coś
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to mix sth IN
wyłącz ogień
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turn the heat off
crush it in your hands
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rozetrzyj w rękach
posypać górę
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to sprinkle on top
She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar.
na wierzchu
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over the top
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I haven't made a pudding today. / What's for pudding today?
kruche ciasto
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shortcrust pastry
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sponge cake /spʌndʒ/
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pistachios /pɪˈstæʃiəʊz/
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fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
przewróć w połowie
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flip halfway
to push a skewer or other thin pointed object through something
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to skewer
drewniany szpikulec (na szaszłyki)
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chanterelle /ˈʃɑːntərel/ (C)
a yellowish mushroom that grows in woods and has a hollow part in the centre

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