common nouns idioms

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be at the end of ones tether
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być u granic wytrzymałości
I've tried everything to stop the baby crying. I just dont know what to do next.
be at a loose end
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nie mieć nic do roboty
I dont have anything to do this week.
get hold of the wrong end of the stick
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źle coś zrozumieć
You've misunderstood us completely. That's not what we meant at all!
It's not the end of the world!
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To nie koniec świata!
make ends meet
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wiązać koniec z końcem
I spend more than I earn. What am I going to do? It's so hard to manage.
a weight off your mind
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zdjąć kamień z serca
I've just seen the doctor again and he said there is no need for an operation after all. What a relief!
can't make up your mind
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nie może się zdecydować
give someone a piece of your mind
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powiedzieć komuś co się o nim myśli
He was annoying me so much that I told him what I thought of him!
slip your mind
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wylecieć komuś z pamięci
Oh Im sorry about the lottery ticket. Helga, I forgot all about it!
drop someone a line
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napisać do kogoś kilka słów
Write to me some time!
read between the lines
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czytać między wierszami
toe the line
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toe the line in inglese
podporządkować się
Of course I'll do as I'm told.
at point-blank range
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w bliskiej odległości, z bliska
The snake was less than a foot away from her when she shot it! She couldn't miss!
I take your point!
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Zgadzam się z Tobą!
What's the point?
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Jaki jest sens?

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