Cambridge Objective Advanced - Unit 5

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Domanda English Risposta English
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a lot of sth
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good enough, but not very good
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a person who formally requests sth, especially a job, or a place at college or university
bear in mind
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to remember a piece of information when you are making a decision or thinking about a matter
on behalf of
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representing, instead of
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a person employed to take care of a large building, such as school, and who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.
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to give or send information to a group of people
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high, steep rocks beside the sea
come to terms with
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to gradually accept a sad situation
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to begin sth
competitive salary
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a good salary compared to the amount paid for similar jobs
in compliance with
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obeying an order, rule or request
crystal clear
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extremely clear
curriculum vitae (CV)
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a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, which you send to an emplyes when you are trying to get a job
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the feeling of being extremely upset or worried
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extremely loving and caring
drive sb mad
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to make someone extremely annoyed
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to remove sth from sth, or get rid of sth
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sent to someone in an envelope with a letter
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to become or make someone become an official member of a course, college or group
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someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves risks
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sth that has the same value, importance, size, or meaning as sth else
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to be more than a particular number or amount
not lift a finger
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to not make any effort to help
flick throught sth
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to look quickly at the pages of magazine, book etc.
formal qualification
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an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
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money needed or available to spend on sth
get sth off the ground
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if a plan or activity gets off the ground or you get it off the ground, it starts or succeeds
get to the point
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say the thing that is most important
give out
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if a machine or part of your body gives out, it stops working
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using unusual methods to get attention for your ideas, products, etc.
have a row with
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to have a noisy argument or fight
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an idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, beautufiul or peaceful
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making you feel hopeful or encouraged
lead sb to belive
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to cause someone to belive sth, expecially sth incorrect
look into
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to examine the facts about a problem or situation
make up your mind
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to decide
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an area of water where people keep their boats
move on
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to leave place where you are staying and go somwhere else
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a person who studies and knows a lot about plants and animals
no wonder
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it is not surprising
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the final result of an activity or process
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to not notice or consider sth
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peak times are the times when most people are using or doing sth
people skills
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the ability to relate well to other people and be liked
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done or acting quickly and without waiting, or arriving at the correct time
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the person who was in a job or position before
puzzle over sth
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to try to solve a problem or understand a situation by thinking carefully about it
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to make land good enough to be used for growing crops
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in the same order as the people or things you have just talked about
rule out
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to decide or state that sth is impossible or will not happen, or that sth or someone is not suitable
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dirty and untidy
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shatterproof glss or plastic etc. is made so that it will not break into small pieces
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a line that shows the position of the side areas of play, especially for football
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honest and saying or showing what you really feel or belive
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to move yourself into warm and comfortable position, especially one in which your body is against another person or covered
speak your mind
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to say what you think about sth very directly
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done quickly
split second
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a very short moment of time
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to be extremely bad or unpleasant
make straight for
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to go immediately in the direction of a place or thing
swarm with
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if a place is swarming with people or things, there are large numbers of them moving around it
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closely connected
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difficult to do or deal with
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a type of path or road, often in the shape of a ring, which has been sepcailly built for sports events, especially racing
in trouble
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in a situation in which you experience problems, usually because of sth you have done wrong or badly
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describes food, especially meat, that is cooked for only a short time, or for less time than necessary
an unearthly hour
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a time that is not at all convenient because it is too early in the morning or too late at night
what's the catch?
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what is hidden problem or disadvantage?
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the window at the front of vehicle

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