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el ejército pelea
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the army fights
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esta comida caducó
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this food is expired
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trail / sign
seguir el rastro
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follow the trail
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to replace
Puede reemplazar archive
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You can replace file
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qué harías?
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what would you do?
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El mafioso tenía a varios matones a cargo de las palizas.
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Mafir had several thugs in charge of the beatings.
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to charge
¿A cuánto cobran el corte de cabello en ese salón?
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How much do they charge for a haircut at that salon?
Cobra $100,000 al año
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Get paid $100,000 a year
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to own
El dinero que me debe cubriría mis facturas
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The money you owe me would cover my bills
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get rid / undo
Ahora está en mi vida, no puedo deshacerme de él.
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Now he's in my life, I can't get rid of him.
He estado buscando una razón para deshacerme de ellos.
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I've been looking for a reason to get rid of them.
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to be able to/ to achieve / to manage
Pero no vas a lograrlo en un lugar como este
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But you're not gonna make it in a place like this
de recuerdos desgraciados
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of unhappy memories
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miss a target
Si no practicas, vas a fallar.
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If you don't practice, you will fail.
Le di otra oportunidad y me falló otra vez.
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I gave him another chance and he failed me again.
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y si a eso le añades unas lagrimas
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and if you add some tears to that
Ella estaba débil, su cara llena de lágrimas.
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She was weak, her face full of tears.
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deudas inabarcable
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unbearable debts
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to watch
¿Puedes vigilar a los niños mientras me doy una ducha rápida?
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Can you watch the kids while I take a quick shower?
yo vigilo
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I watch out
donde has sacado todo este dinero?
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where did you get all this money?
debo dinero
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I owe money
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to give away
¿Qué regalar a un amigo durante 25 años?
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What to give a friend for 25 years?
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sería capaz de cualquier cosa
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I would be capable of anything
y lo bien que te lo pasaste que?
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and how much fun you had what?
no me lo puedo creer. Que he acabo de acordar
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I can not believe it. that I have just rembemered
no me acuerdo
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I do not remember
el buzón del edificio
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the building mailbox
no es asunto suyo
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it's none of your business
lo has mentido
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you lied
cuanto me vas a cobrar
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how much are you going to charge me
tuviste pesadillas anoche?
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did you have nightmares last night?
que casualidad
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what a coincidence
es el último sitio donde esperaba encontrarte
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It's the last place I expected to find you
siéntate a mi lado si te apetece
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sit next to me if you feel like it
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to feel like doing something
¿Te apetece un plan diferente sin salir de nuestra región?
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Do you fancy a different plan without leaving our region?
esto no tiene sentido
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this makes no sense
no dejo de pensar en ti
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I can not stop thinking about you
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to happen
¿Qué sucederá si uno de los tubos está quebrado?
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What will happen if one of the tubes is broken?
que era capaz de sentir hasta que volví a verte
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that I was able to feel until I saw you again
hagas lo que hagas
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do what you do

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