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Brazil is a huge country.
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Brazylia jest ogromnym krajem.
The newly married couple went to France for their honeymoon.
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Noworzency wyjechali w podrurz poslubna do Francji.
Alex got up the courage to go in.
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Alex zebral sie na odwage aby wejsc do srodka.
The course is for advanced students.
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Kurs jest dla zaawansowanych studentuw.
The witness didn't appear in court.
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Swiadek nie pojawil sie w sondzie.
My cousin's name is Linda.
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Moja kuzynka nazywa sie Linda.
There's a dragon on the cover of the book.
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Tam jest smok na okladce ksionrzki.
The cows are grazing in the meadow.
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Krowy paso sie na lonce.
Don't be a coward.
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Nie bondz tchurzem.
There are cracks in the wall.
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Na scianie so penkniencia.
He was injured in a car crash.
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On byl ranny w wypadku samochodowym.
You must be crazy!
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Musisz byc szalony!
I ordered a cup of coffee with whipped cream.
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Zamuwilem filirzanke kawy z bita smietana.
He created a work of art.
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On stworzyl dzielo sztuki.
It was the captain's command.
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To byl rozkaz kapitana.
Commerce is prospering on the Internet.
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Handel rozwija sie prosperuje w internecie.
He doesn't like TV commercials.
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On nie lubi telewizyjnych reklam.
The committee consists of 5 people.
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Komitet sklada sie z pienciu ludzi.
We have a lot of common.
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My mamy wiele wspulnego (ze sobom)
We communicate by e-mail.
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My komunikujemy sie przez e-mail.
You don't have to isolate them from the community.
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Nie musisz izolowac ich od spoleczenstwa.
She works for a German company.
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Ona pracuje dla niemieckiej firmy.
Compare the two illustrations.
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Poruwnaj te dwie ilustracje.
To have a better comparison we need to have more information.
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By miec lepsze poruwnanie potrzebujemy wiencej informacji.
Peter has won a photo competition.
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Piotr wygral konkurs fotograficzny.
He complained about the cold.
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On narzekal na zimno.
I've completed my work ahead of time.
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Ukonczylem swoja prace przed czasem.
The problem is very complex.
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Problem jest bardzo zlorzony.
My school bought 20 computers.
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Moja szkola kupila 20 komputeruw.
This problem concerns us all.
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Ten problem dotyczy nas wszystkich.
I'm concerned about him.
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Martwie sie o niego.
He's going to give his last concert on Saturday night.
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On zamierza dac swuj ostatni koncert w sobote wieczorem.
What are their conditions?
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Jakie so ich warunki.
I have confidence in you.
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Mam do ciebie zaufanie.
The bridge connects the two parts of the town.
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Most wonczy dwa czesci miasta.
There's no connection between the two events.
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Tam nie ma rzadnego zwionsku pomiedzy tymi dwoma zdarzeniami.
You must consider all possibilities.
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Ty musisz rozwarzyc wszystkie morzliwosci.
The book consists of four chapters.
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Ksiorzka sklada sie z czterech rozdzialuw.

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