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partaczyć, fuszerować
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to botch sth
Maybe he's botched and blundered his way through some command and maybe the MPs haven't been shy about telling him so.
popełnic gafę
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to blunder
Maybe he's botched and blundered his way through some command and maybe the MPs haven't been shy about telling him so.
pogorszenie, rozjątrzenie, zdenerwowanie
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Then you get nothing from him except aggravation
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Then you get nothing from him except aggravation. Heads or tails, but it's a bent coin, because on top of everything any institution despises its own policemen
bezczelny, także kij od golfa
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bezczelny, także kij od golfa in inglese
but beyond it the sun was white and brassy
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There was a high fence stretching miles around the whole perimeter, taut and level all the way, no weeds at its base
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and it was a reasonably benevolent rating for a sergeant to give a general.

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