BEM 09-10.13 Dear Readers

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mamrotać, mruknąć
a whole hosts of sth
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ogrom czegoś, cała masa czegoś
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wyniki (badań)
to cast sth aside
The findings may mean having to cast aside many traditional notions when it comes to money and financial choices.
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pozbyć się czegoś (np. uprzedzeń)
The findings may mean having to cast aside many traditional notions when it comes to money and financial choices.
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przekonanie, pogląd
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maniak, wielbiciel gadzetów, komputeró i wysokich technologii
"Anyone for a Nerd" piece shows how tree students have shown a bit of nous and set up their own business.
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zdrowy rozsądek
a damn sight better / worse / less
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o niebo lepszy, gorszy, mniejszy
to conjure sth up (in one's mind)
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przywieść coś na myśl

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