Bednarski - Tatiana - Military service

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Being united and working well together.
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A person who joins the armed forces because they are forced to, not because they want to.
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a system where young people join the military because they are forced to by law. Also called national service.
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to join the armed forces.
Get out
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to leave the military.
Individual rotation
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a system where a unit stays in theatre for the duration of a mission or campaign and personnel move into ant out of the unit.
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a period of holiday or vacation or time of work.
Operational deployment
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a deployment to an area of operations where combat is a real possibility. Also called operational service or active service.
Posted away
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when a service member is assigned to another unit, away from his regular unit.
Professional army
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an army where all of the service members are volunteers.
Put in
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to make an application for a course or for promotion.
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being ready to do something.
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continue in the military when your first contract is over.
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w full-time, volunteer soldier in a provisional army.
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to complete a tour of duty and move on to the next one.
Sign on
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to sign a contract with the military.
Stay on
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Unit rotation
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a system where an entire unit moves to a theatre, completes its your of duty and returns home.
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a person who joins the armed forces because they want to.

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