Ania 23rd Feb 2017 #8

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Domanda Risposta
z nim
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with him
a nią
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with her
jej książka
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her book
z nami
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with us
nasz samochód
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our car
z nimi
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with THEM
ich dom
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their house
nie bardzo
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not really
Ich samochód jest tam.
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Their car is there.
wasi rodzice
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your parents
z wami
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with you
nie boli
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it doesn't hurt
przełożyć coś na inny termin
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to put sth off TILL / UNTIL (next week / next month / 2nd May)
Przełóżmy nasze spotkanie na przyszły tydzień.
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Let's put off our meeting till next week. / Let's put our meeting off till next week.
Czy możemy przełożyć naszą prezentację na przyszły miesiąc?
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Can we put off our presentation TILL next month.
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Ona zadzwoniła do Jamiego.
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She called Jamie.
pomóż mi
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help me
napoje bezalkoholowe
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soft drinks
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do tej pory
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so far

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