Ania 15th June 2016 (30 min)

 0    14 schede    engonskype
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Domanda Risposta
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rude / impolite
wziąć udział w...
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to take part in sth / to participate in sth
Czy miałaś udany weekend?
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Did you have a nice weekend?
Yes I did, and you?
Nie miałam pieniędzy, żeby kupić tę książkę.
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I din't have money to buy this book.
Did you have enough money?
Miałam dużo problemów.
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I had a lot of problems.
Mam brata.
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I've got a brother. / I have a brother.
Czy masz siostrę?
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Do you have a sister? / Have you got a sister?
Czy ona ma samochód?
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Does she have a car? / Has she got a car?
Mój brat nie ma roweru.
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My brother doesn't have a bicycle. / My brother hasn't got a bicycle.
to jest rower mojej mamy
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it's my mum's bike
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wedding reception
Miałam na sobie sukienkę.
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I wore a dress.
Włożyłam sukienkę.
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I put on a dress.
Do zobaczenia.
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See you later.

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