angielski dodat.

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act like
he's acting like an idiot
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zachowywać się jak
behave in a way that's like
mieć sens, pasować
his theory is hard to believe, but his research adds up
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add up
logocally fit together
this phrasal verb is often negative
osignąć w sumie, łącznie
the billa add up to 30zl. that is more that I expected.
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add up to
to total
wycofać się
tom was ready to call the police when I told him I'd wrecked his car, but he backed off when I said I'd pay for the damages
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back off
not follow a threat
potwierdzić, poprzeć
if u don't believe me, talk to Dave. He'll back me up.
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back up
confirm a story, facts, or information
we newds lots of balloons for the party. will you blow them up?
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blow up
wybuchać, detinować
A: that old building really came down quickly! B: That is because the construction company used dynamite to blow it up
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blow up
explode, destroy by exploding
rozbić, rozdzielić
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break down
separate something into component parts
zepsuć się
her car broke down on the freeway
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break down
stop working/ functioning
włamywać się
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break in
enter by using force
zerwac ze sobą, rozejść się
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brake up
end a personal relationship
odnieść coś
i should takw the book back to the library
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bring/take back
return something
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bring up
raise, rear
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bring up
mention (as a topic of discussion)
odświeżać, odkurzać
you would better brush up your spanish
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brush up on
reviev, study thoroughly for a short time
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burn down
become destroyed, consumed by fire
wtrącać się, wcinać
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butt in
impolitely interrupt
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call off
cancel sth that has been scheduled
wezwać do odpowiedzi
i don't know why teacher never calls on you
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call on
ask someone for an answer in class
uspokoić się, wyciszyć się
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calm down
opiekować się
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care for
lubić, chcieć
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care for
like, want
doganiać innych, wyróżniać się
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catch up
stop being behind
zarejestrować się
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check in

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