Angielski 26/03-2/04/2017

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Domanda English Risposta English
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very near, next to
to be under the influence of alcohol
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być pod wpływem alkoholu
abstinence from alcohol
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abstynencja od alkoholu
the ban on
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an official order that prevents something from happening
to be averse to sth
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to be strongly disliking or opposed to
to accord with sth
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to be the same as something, or to agree with something [phrasal verb]
abashed by / at
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embarrassed by / about
animosity towards
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strong dislike, opposition, or anger
barter for sth
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wymieniać na coś
make a beeline for sb/sth
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to go directly and quickly towards someone or something
to bask
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to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun
to boast of / about
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[disapproving] to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own
to make amends for sth
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to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done
acquaint someone with something
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to give someone information about something [phrasal verb]
whet sb's appetite
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to increase someone's interest in and wish for something, usually by giving them a small experience of it
the apple of sb's eye
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the person who someone loves most and is very proud of
make allowance for
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preparing (to prepare for the possibility of) OR accepting (think about sb's characteristics and not judge him severely)
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interchangeable parts
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części wymienne
in hopes of
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w nadziei na
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harm or damage

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