Angielski 23/12/2016

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Domanda Risposta
to win a settlement
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wygrać ugodę
to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps
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improve one's situation/ get out of a difficult situation by one's own efforts
a tipping point
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punkt zwrotny
to entail sth / consequences
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pociągać za sobą konsekwencje coś /
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to fumble
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to handle sth in an awkward/clumsy way; to fail to catch or hold the ball
up to a point
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to a certain extent, but not completely
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not influenced by emotions, not easily moved or deceived, not willing to change ideas or opinions
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
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Jeśli wszystko, co masz to młotek, wszystko wygląda jak gwóźdź
drop-down box
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box do upuszczania (komp)
as to why
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jesli jesteśmy przy tym dlaczego
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for decades
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przez dekady
to speak volumes about sb;
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to express something very clearly and completely
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more personnel that necessary
failure report
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report on what went wrong
a root cause
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main reason
to probe the situation
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to check on the situation
what's your take on it
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what's your opinion
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in retrospect, in hindsight
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Z perspektywy czasu, z perspektywy czasu
next to nothing (idiom)
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bezcen, prawie tyle co nic (idiom)
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full of strenght and health, vigorous, sturdy, full bodied
to stay under the radar
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try to be unnoticeable
fact based literature
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literatura oparta na faktach
cross-national engagements
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międzynarodowe zlecenia
combined strenghts
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Połączone atuty
all principles are adhered to
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Wszystkie zasady są przestrzegane
pass the buck to sb
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evade responsibility by passing it on to someone else
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being inactive (lenistwo)
sense of entitlement
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The idea that one has a right to be given something which others believe should be obtained through effort.
at the risk of stating the obvious
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ryzykując mówienie czegoś oczywistego
compared to / in comparison with
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w porównaniu z / w porównaniu z
managerial skills
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umiejętności menedżerskie
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innate ability
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umiejętność wrodzona
traits of character / personal qualities
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cechy charakteru / cech osobowych
character quality
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cecha charakteru
unaccounted for
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absent, lost or unavailabe
to blow sth out of proportion
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bounty hunter
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someone who tries to catch criminals in order to receive a reward
to fight for a cause
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to fight for sth important
martial arts
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sztuki walki
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nuts and bolts
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(idiom) the essential or practical details, basic aspects
fair amount of sth
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spora ilość czegos
in the sea
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w morzu
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financed in the way of public fundraising
in exchange for sth
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w zamian za coś
ahead of time/schedule
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at an earlier time than was planned or arranged
to be ahead of the game
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to be awesome
to run behind
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be / run late
a form of recognition
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forma uznania
to happen in broad daylight
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happen in obvious, apparent way, when it could easily be seen
to cross the line
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to go beyond accepted limits or standards of behaviour
to tweak
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to make small changes in order to improve something
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something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
tax incentives
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zachęty podatkowe
to generate revenues
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generować przychody
to direct questions to one's attention
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kierować do kogoś uwagi
to bid against
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konkurować z ofertą z
to choke on sth
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udławić się czymś
on average
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used for talking about what is usually true, although it may not be true in every individual situation
to make one's way to
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torować sobie drogę
to play to one's strenghts
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wykorzystywać swoje atuty
the lion share
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major part (lwia część)

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