Angielski 05/11/2017

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Domanda English Risposta English
to be riddled with sth
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to be full of sth [eg. article with full of mistakes]
to be at odds (with someone/something)
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to disagree, to be in disagreement with sb/sth
on countless / a number of occasions
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wiele razy, przy wielu okazjach
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bringing child up
to perplex
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to confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve
at its best / worst
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at the highest / lowest standard that can be achieved
at best
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even when considered in the most positive way / w najlepszym razie
do/try your (very) best
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to make the greatest effort possible
be at your best
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be at your best in inglese
to be as active or intelligent as you can be
o the best of my knowledge/belief
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from what I know and understand from the information that I have
for the best
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when sth is done to improve a situation or produce a good result, although it might seem unpleasant at the time
to make the best of sth
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to make an unsatisfactory situation as pleasant as possible
to infiltrate
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to secretly become part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way that group thinks or behaves
on the face of sth
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used when you are describing how a situation seems on the surface
to be deprived of sth
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być czegoś pozbawionym, zwłaszcza czegoś niezbędnego lub przyjemnego
to abound in / with
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to exist in large numbers
in the media
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w mediach
to shield sth/sb from sth
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to protect sth/sb from sth
sth eludes you
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you are failing to achieve sth / you are not remembering sth
to elude
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not to achieve / fail to achieve
to elude
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to not be caught by someone
in a state of flux
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in a state of continuous change
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in the middle of or surrounded by / among
to instil sth in sb
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to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves / zaszczepić
hard-and-fast rules
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rules that are not to be changed
a maltitude of
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a large number of people or things
the multitude/s
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a large crowd / numbers of people
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related to the different groups of people in society and their habits, traditions, and beliefs:
to deteriorate
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to worsen,
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not perfect, or containing mistakes
disproportionate [to]
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too large or too small in comparison to something else, or not deserving its importance or influence
to demonstrate a genuine interest / a complete lack of understanding
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zademontstrować prawdziwe zainteresowanie / kompletny brak zrozumienia
there is an absence of consensus on sth.
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istnieje brak konsensusu w

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