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belongs to a new generation of telescopes that deliver images ten times sharper than Hubble's telescope inizia ad imparare
Large Binocular Telescope (LTB)
odbijający światło teleskop inizia ad imparare
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skupiska gwiazd migocą, galaktyki żarzą się łagodnym światłem gwiazd inizia ad imparare
star clusters glitter, galaxies glow with gentle starlight
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rozwiązać pozostające tajemnice inizia ad imparare
to solve the remaining mysteries
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the optics of the telescope
był pierwszym, który obserwował galaktyki spiralne poza Drogą Mleczną inizia ad imparare
he became the first to observe spiral armed galaxies beyond the Milky Way
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być zdumionym wielkością gwiazd inizia ad imparare
to be overwhelmed by/with the vast quantity of stars
z niewielką ludzką interwencją / z brakiem ludzkiej interwencji inizia ad imparare
with little or no human intervention
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laser beams (promienie) which compensate for atmospheric turbulence (the reason why stars gliter) to help create clearer images of stars inizia ad imparare
adaptive optics AO systems
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kręcić się wokół niewidzialnej czarnej dziury inizia ad imparare
to spin around the invisible black hole
być w uścisku/zasięgu czarnej dziury inizia ad imparare
to be in the grip of the black hole
a fast wide-angle (szerokokątny) imaging telescope inizia ad imparare
a Latge Synoptic Survey Telescope LSST
ciemna materia i ciemna energia inizia ad imparare
dark matter and dark energy
krążący po orbicie teleskop kosmiczny inizia ad imparare
an orbiting space telescope
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to open up another dimension
to study, to explore in detail the Universe inizia ad imparare
original, different and creative idea inizia ad imparare
ekspansja kosmosu została zasugerowana przez ogólną teorię względności Einsteina inizia ad imparare
cosmic expansion has been implied by Einstein's general theory of relativity
przewidzieć rezultat jakiegoś przedsięwzięcia inizia ad imparare
to predict the outcome of a venture
predictions about the future based on known facts and observations inizia ad imparare
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a small telescope that produces an image that can be viewed through the eyepiece (e refracting telescope) / luneta inizia ad imparare
a spyglass is very truthful
to give a new deeper look on sth inizia ad imparare
największe zdumienie pod słońcem inizia ad imparare
wonders as big as all outdoors
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to piece a theory together
to be caused by, to result from sth inizia ad imparare
to await sth (oczekiwać czegoś), to predict sth inizia ad imparare
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reading for general ideas, main points inizia ad imparare
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a logical assumption, to assume inizia ad imparare
logical inference, to infer