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My thinking is that if I can solve those problems, I’ll be able to travel in a way that’s healthy, mindful, enjoyable and sustainable
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sustainable [se’steinebl]
rozeszła się plotka
Joanne first told me about it, and then the rumour spread.
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the rumour spread
zrobić komuś kawał
I have never had trusted her. She played a joke on me and stupidly I was taken in.
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to play joke on somebody
niewiarygodna historia
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tall story
nieszkodliwe kłamstwo
In order to avoid hurting people, I think it’s ok to tell a white lie.
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white lie
słaby / marny
feeble excuse
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nużący, monotonny, żmudny (o zajęciu)
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tedious [‚ti: dies]
gatunek (literacki, filmowy)
We see the usual tricks of the genre in this tedious play.
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genre [żonre]
is generous and nice to others
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roztrzepany, roztargniony
I’m a bit absent-minded. I keep forgetting where I put my glasses.
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zrównoważony, opanowana
They’re really level-headed. Even when they won all that money they didn’t get too excited.
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zdeterminowana, uparta, wytrwała
She’s single-minded. It took her ten years to learn the violin and she never gave up!
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Writers have to be thick-skinned. Lots of people criticise their work, but they try not to get upset.
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samowystarczalny / niezależna (o osobie)
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