aneta 2nd Feb 2015 (1)

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Domanda Risposta
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the USA / THE United States / THE States
Jaki mamy dzisiaj dzień tygodnia?
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What day of the week is today?
i to wszystko
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and that's all
czy jesteś w dobrym nastroju?
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are you in a good mood?
to jest danie zrobione z ryżu i mięsa
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it is a dish made with rice and meat
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Skończyłam (o jedzeniu)
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I'm done, thank you.
czy odrobiłaś już lekcje?
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have you done your homework YET?
napisac smsa do kogoś
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to text sb
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post office
wysłać coś komuś
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to post sth to sb
I'd like to post this letter to Poland.
Ona pracuje na poczcie
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She works AT the post office.
Stoję w kolejce na poczcie
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I'm in a queue at the post office.
kolejka np w sklepie
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queue / line AmE
Ile zapłaciłaś za swoje kolczyki?
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how much did you pay for these earring?
te książki
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these books
tamte książki
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those books
tamci chłopcy
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those boys
ci chlopcy
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these boys
ten chłopiec
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this boy
tamten chłopiec
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that boy
Czy byłaś kiedyś w Kownie?
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have you been to K. yet? / Have ever been to K.?
zamiast czegoś
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instead of sth
Ile razy przeczytałaś tę ksiązkę?
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how many times have you read this book?
Ile razy obejrzałaś ten film?
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How many times have you seen this film?
Ile razy byłaś w Austrii?
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How many times have you been to Austria?
Ile razy ona jadła sushi?
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how many times has she eaten sushi?
Ile razy twoja mama była w Polsce
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How many times has your mum been to Poland?
Chciałabym zmierzyć te spodnie?
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I'd like to try on THESE trousers.
ona jest taka szczupła
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she's so slim
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her child is chubby.
ona schudła 5 kilogramów
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she lost 5 kilos.
Moja siostra musiała pomóc jemu
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my sister had to help him.
Moja teściowa musiała sprzedać swoj samochód
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My mother-in-law had to sell her car.
nie oglądajcie tego filmu
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don't watch this film.
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trzecia forma czasownika
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past participle
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Ona jest wystarczająco wysoki, żeby grać w koszykówkę
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He's tall enough to play basketball.
Mamy wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy.
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I have enough money.
za gruby
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too fat
za chudy
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too thin
za biedny
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too poor
za bogaty
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to rich
za długi
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too long
za krótki
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too short
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Gdzie oni rozmawiali o sztuce?
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where HAVE they talked about art?

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