Aneta 15th Sept 2014

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to revise
musieliśmy napisać kilka zdania
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we had to write a few sentences
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dining room
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I'm on the balcony.
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muszę natychmiast odrobić lekcje
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I must do homework immediately
zrób to natychmiast
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do it immediately
zróbmy to natychmiast
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let's do it immediately
Musiałam kupić nowy telefon.
Kupiłam nowy telefon.
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I had to buy a new phone.
I bought a new phone.
Mam do ciebie prośbę.
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I have a request for you.
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to promise to do sth
Spojrzałam na listę.
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I had a look at the list.
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Stany Zjednoczone
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the United States
Nie mogę doczekać się kiedy cię spotkam.
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I look forward to meeting you.
to look forward TO + ing
Nie mogę się doczekać kiedy się do mnie odezwiesz.
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I look forward to hearing from you.
Nie mogę się doczekać kiedy pojadę do Niemiec.
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I look forward to going to Germany.
Gdzie mogę znaleźć bank?
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Where can I find a bank?
Kiedy przyjadę, zadzwonię do ciebie.
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When I arrive, I'll call you.
NEVER: When I will arrive, I will call you.
Kiedy skończę pracę, napiszę do ciebie maila.
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When I finish work, I will email you.
Kiedy wstanę, zrobię dla nas śniadanie.
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When I get up, I'll make breakfast for us.
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okres (czasu)
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period of time
Jestem tu od trzech miesięcy.
Jestem tu od poniedziałku.
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I've been here FOR three months.
I've been here since Monday.
kilka dni
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a few days
od pięciu tygodni
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for five weeks
od dwóch lat
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for two years
od wielu lat
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for many years
od dwóch godzin
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for two hours
od poniedziałku
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since Monday
od drugiej popołudniu
Jestem tu od drugiej.
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since two o'clock
I have been here since two o'clock
Ona pracje tu od trzech lat.
Ona pracuje tu od marca.
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She has workED here for three years.
She has workED here since March.
Ona chce znaleźć nową pracę.
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She wants to find a new job.
Ona mnie nie słucha.
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She doesn't listen to me.
kolorowych snów
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sweet dreams

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