Aneks II

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to be on speaking terms with sb
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to know someone well enough to talk to them
a far cry from
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very different from something Playing in a comedy is a far cry from playing a criminal in a mystery.
keep sb at an arm's length
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to avoid becoming connected with someone or something
at my fingertips
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w małym palcu
by the look of it
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pozornie, prawdopodobnie
far and near
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The eagles gathered from near and far at the river where the salmon were spawning.
few and far between
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bardzo rzadko, niewiele
it's all the same to me
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to wszystko jest dla mnie tak samo
next to nothing
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prawie tyle co nic
off the top of my head
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bez zastanowienia
once and for all
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raz na zawsze
on the spur of the moment
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pod wpływem chwili
out of the question
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nie do dyskusji
the key to success
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klucz do sukcesu
adjourn a trial
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odraczać wyrok
be all the rage
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to be very fashionable
be at a loss
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nie wiedziec co zrobic
be caught red-handed
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być złapany na gorącym uczynku
be in line for
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być w kolejce do
be slow on the uptake
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be not able to understand something quickly
blow sth out of all proportions
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rozdmuchać coś ponad miarę (np. jakąś błahą sprawę)
break ranks
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(złamać szeregi) to publicly show that you disagree with a group of which you are a member
break the news to sb
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przekazać komuś nowe wiadomości
come into force / effect
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wejść w życie
come into fortune
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dorobić się fortuny
come to a head
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dojść do punktu kulminacyjnego
come to light
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wychodzić na jaw
come to power
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dochodzić do władzy
draw the line at sth
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to never do something because you think it is wrong: I swear a lot but even I draw the line at certain words.
fall vacant
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zwalniać się
get down on all fours
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dostać się na czworakach
give birth
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have a heart of stone
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mieć serce z kamienia
have a way with sb
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potrafić postępować z
have one's way
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mieć swoją drogę
have / lose grip on sth
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mieć / stracić kontrolę nad czymś
keep sb in the dark
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nie informować kogoś o czymś
live a lie over sth
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żyć w kłamstwie
make both ends meet
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wiązać koniec z końcem
make one's living
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zarabiać na życie
pay tribute to sb/sth
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oddawać hołd, uznanie komuś
pin one's hopes on sth/sb
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powierzyć nadzieje w
place / put sb at odds with sth/sb
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John and his father are always at odds over what to watch on TV. It was going to put us at odds with Europe again.
poke fun at sb
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wyśmiać kogoś
return a verdict
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ogłaszać werdykt
say the least
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skromnie mówiąc
stand a chance of
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to have a chance of doing something. Do you think I stand a chance of winning?
take adventage of
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korzystać z
take care of
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dbać o
take exception to
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sprzeciwiać się, protestować. I take exception to that remark about unfair practices.
take one's cue from sth
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to be strongly influenced by something or someone: The architects took their cue for the design of the ntel from the nearby banks. ew ho
throw into question
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pod znakiem zapytania
tighten the belt
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zacisnąć pasa
turn a blind eye
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przymknąć oko
with all one's might
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using all one’s power or strength
with flying colours
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with the naked eye
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gołym okiem

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