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Domanda Risposta
be home to
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być domem dla
in/out of order
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sprawne/ nie sprawny
be intent on doing sth
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być intencyjny w sprawie zrobienia czegoś
be notorious for doing sth
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notorycznie robi coś
be on the lookout for sth
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czatować, rozglądać się
be on the shortlist for sth
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być na krótkiej liście do czegoś
be under repair
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być w naprawie
be/get infected with
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zarazić się czymś
bet on
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założyć się o
to charge sb with
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powierzyć/zarzucić komuś coś
comply with
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zgodne z
cope with
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radzić sobie z
credit somebody with
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to consider someone as having good qualities or good achievements
date back to
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sięgają (data)
deal with
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dotyczyć, radzić sobie z
derive something from something
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She derives a lot of spiritual support from her religion. She derives her patience from her mother. uzyskania czegoś od czegoś
deter somebody from
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zniechęcić kogoś do
dispose of
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pozbyć się
expel somebody from
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wyrzucić kogoś z
face up to something
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zmierzyć się z czymś
focus on sth
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skupić się na sth
go on strike
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grow in (importance, numbers)
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rośnie (znaczenie, numery)
head for (a place)
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udać się do (miejsca)
hear of somebody / something
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usłyszeć od kogoś / czegoś
insist on doing sth
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domagać się zrobienia czegoś
lag behind
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pozostają w tyle
lean on
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oprzeć się na
miss out on
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mistake sth for sth
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I often mistake her for her mother on the phone.
oblige somebody with/by (doing sth)
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zobowiązać kogoś do (zrobienia czegoś)
part with sb
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rozstać się z kimś
pay duty on sth
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płacić podatek od czegoś
persist in something
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to continue doing something. John persists in thinking that he's always right.
plead with sb
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błagać sb
pop in
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wpadać do kogoś
pore over sth
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to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully:
pound out
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walić (w klawiaturę, zpłaszczać coś)
pride oneself on
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szczycić się
qualify for sth
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kwalifikują się do czegoś
reckon on
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spodziewać się
recover from sth
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zdrowieć po
set something on fire
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podpalic cos
snatch at sth
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to try to use an opportunity quickly before it disappears. I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it.
sort out
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steer away from
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to move or turn away from someone or something.
strive for/after
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dążyć do / po
stumble over
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to such extent
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w takim stopniu
teem with
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tętnić/ roic sie od
tick off
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zbesztać, opieprzyc, odhaczyc
trade in (women)
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handel (kobietami)
under threat of sth
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pod groźbą czegoś
within reach
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w zasięgu ręki
without delay
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