
 0    26 schede    jjanczur
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you dont accept all the ppl, especially elders
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not fully grown
juvenile delinquency
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przestępczość nieletnich
juvenile crime
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crime committed by ppl who r not 18
juvenile offenders
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young criminals
in his/her prime
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best yrs of your life
as old as the hills
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very, very old
to come of age
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to turn 18
to have one foot in the grave
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to be almost dead
to push up the daisies
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to be already dead
to kick the bucket
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smn has already died
to come up to retirement age
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get close to retirement
senior citizen
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smn old who has already retired
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smn who receives money from the government
to retire
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finish working
over the hill
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you dont feel attractive, you feel old
on the wrong side of ... (40)
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to be over 40
midlife crisis
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crisis you have when you're experience (40)
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a teenager
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little baby
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young ppl 15-16
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ppl our age
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senile dementia
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you dont remember things
get on for (50)
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zbliżać się do 50
come of
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transform from childhood to adulthood

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