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 0    68 schede    englishmasters
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Domanda Risposta
ona pierze swoje jeasny w każdy weekend
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she washes her jeans in every week
ten samochód kosztuje 20 dolarów
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this car costs 20 $
my czasami oglądamy tv
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we sometimes watch TV
mój wujek łowi ryby w morzu
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my unckle fishes fish in sea
marta nie pomaga rodzicom
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marta does not help her parents
on nie myje podłogi
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he does not wash the floor
czy ty grasz na pianinie?
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do you play the piano?
ona nie gra na gitarze
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she does not play the guitar
ja nie jem mięsa
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I don't eat meat
ja idę do szkoly w każdy ranek
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I go to school in every morning
ja zazwyczaj wstaje o 8 rano
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I usually wake up at 8 a.m.
ja zawsze pomagam moim przyjaciolom
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I always help my friends
pies nigdy nie je bananów
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The dog never eats a bananas
ania lubi czytanie ksiażek
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ania likes reading a books
marta często pije herbatę
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marta often drinks a tea
on chce z tobą rozmawiać
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he want to talk to you
moja siostra lubi granie w tenisa bardzo
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my sisters likes playing tennis very much
ja nie mówię po angielsku bardzo dobrze
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I don't speak english very well
marysia nie lubi swojego brata
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marysia does not like your brother
czy często pijesz mleko?
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do you often drink milk?
czy rozumiesz trochę po angielsku?
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do you understand english a little?
o której zazwyczaj wstajesz?
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what time do you usually get up?
jak często jezdzisz do warszawy?
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how often do you go to warsaw?
ja rzadko chodzę do kina
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I seldom go to the cinema
nie myje często moich rak
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I don't wash my hands very often
ja nigdy nie rozmawiam z moimi sąsiadami
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I never talk to my neighbours
zawsze piję kawę rano
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I always drink a coffee in the morning
często spaceruję z moim psem
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I often walk my dog
zawsze oglądam tv wieczorem
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I always watch tv in the evening
ja znam odpowiedź
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I know the answer
ja nigdy nie chodzę do kosciola
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I never go to church
moja mama piecze ciasta w każdy weekend
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my mother bakes a cakes every week
marta wygląda dobrze
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marta looks very well
zawsze im ufam
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I always trust them
gdzie idziesz teraz?
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where are you going now?
czy mówisz po polsku?
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do you speak polish?
czy jesteś zmęczony?
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are you tired?
ile masz pieniadzy?
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how much money do you have?
czy lubisz mnie?
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do you like me?
gdzie jest twój dom?
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where is your home?
kiedy wyjeżdzasz?
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when are you leaving?
dlaczego jesteś smutny?
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why are you sad?
czy ona jest głodna?
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is she hungry?
ile to kosztuje?
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how much is it?
jesteś spozniony?
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are you late?
co robisz teraz?
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what are you doing now?
ciotka siedzi na sofie
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the aunt is sitting on the sofa
pies biegnie za kotem
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the dog is running after the cat
gdzie idziesz teraz?
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where are you going?
tom goli się w łazience
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tom is shaving in the bathroom
na co czekasz?
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what are you waiting for?
kto stoi przy oknie?
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who is standing at the window?
ja nie śpie w tym momencie
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i am not sleeping at the moment
słuchasz mnie?
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are you listening to me?
oszukujesz cały czas
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you are cheating all the time
gdzie on stoi?
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where is he standing?
nie pracuje teraz
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i am not working now
kto śpiewa?
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who is singing?
ja pale od 20 lat
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I have smoked since 20 years
złamałem noge
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I have broken a leg
nigdy nie byłam w paryzu
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I never have been in paris
pracuje w intermarche przez 5 lat
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I have worked in intermarche for 5 year
on nie pali papierosów przez 2 tygodnie
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he has not smoked for two weeks
przeczytałem tą ksiażkę
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I have read this book
jestem tutaj od 2 miesięcy
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I have been here since 2 months
gdzie jesteś?
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where are you?
co ty lubisz?
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what do you like?
co lubi ania?
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what does ania like?

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