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 0    22 schede    kamilaleciejewska
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Domanda English Risposta English
a test/interview for singers/actors
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an audition
a performance of popular music
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a gig
first public appearance
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a building used for concerts
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a stadium
a collection of songs
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an album
fame/ to be famous
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someone who amires someone/something
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a fan
behind the stage
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a song/a CD with one song on it
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a single
a test of individual ability
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a non-participating observer
the people who watch or listen to television, radio or a public event
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be completely unsuccessful; fail totally
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a person who takes part in something
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a person who takes part in a contest
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an act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment
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an act of performing or participating in a public event
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become available
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come along
end up
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get through
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be successful, pass
go for
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try, take part in
set out
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begin a journey, leave

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