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'll take them to the shop and have the appraisal ready next week
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wycena, oszacowanie (np. wartości)
Wezmę je do sklepu i przygotuję wycenę na przyszły tydzień
There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power. There’s no appreciable change in the patient’s condition.
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znaczący, znaczny
I would like to express my deep appreciation to Mr Smith
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uznanie, wdzięczność
Chciałbym wyrazić swoje najwyższe uznanie dla Pana Smitha
apprehension apprehensive
The police have finally apprehended the killer. She immediately apprehended the problem.
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zatrzymywać, ujać / pojmować
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on appro.
Don't buy iphone on appro. It really sucks.
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na próbę
to approach sb about sth
We've just approached the bank for/about a loan. Wally has been acting strangely. I will approach Judy about him. She approached Tom about the broken window.
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zwracać się (zwrócić się perf) do kogoś o coś
Graham's always very approachable - why don't you talk the problem over with him?
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approach road
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droga dojazdowa, podjazd
Approbation is much more formal than approval, rarer, and less likely to be understood. Interestingly, as widely known as approval
He surveyed the document with approbation.
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it would not be appropriate for me to comment
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nie chciałbym się wypowiadać
He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company's money.
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odpowiedni / odpowiednia, przywłaszczać
Imperialism is no less than occupation, appropriation and subjugation.
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Imperializm nie jest niczym innym jak okupacją, zawłaszczeniem i podporządkowaniem
on 30 days approval
I got it on seven days approval, so if you don't like it we can change it.
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z możliwością zwrotu w ciągu dziesięciu dni
approved school
Approved School is a term formerly used in the United Kingdom for a residential institution to which young people could be sent by a court, usually for committing offences but sometimes because they were deemed to be beyond parental control
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zakład poprawczy
His wife watched approvingly.
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z aprobatą
Could you give me a rough approximation of how many people will be coming? Big Bang Theory: "The Einstein Approximation was the best episode.
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April fool!
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Prima Aprilis!
apse is a semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault
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Pomieszczenie na rzucie półkola, półelipsy lub wieloboku, dostawione do bryły świątyni i otwarte do jej wnętrza. Zazwyczaj zamyka prezbiterium, czasem nawy boczne i ramiona transeptu lub westwerk.
1 an apt comment/description 2 She's in her eighties now and apt to be a little forgetful. 3 We have some particularly apt students in the class this year.
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1. trafny / zdolny 2. skłonny 3. zdolny
to be apt to do sth
He's in her eighties now and apt to be a little forgetful.
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być zdolny do zrobienia czegoś
aptitude for
aptitude at something = uzdolnienia w jakimś kierunku, talent do czegoś
He had an aptitude for journalism. My son has no/little aptitude for sport b ut he has for maths.
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Only 3% of arable land in the EU is used in the production of protein crops
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orny, uprawny
arbitrariness = samowola
Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it arbitrary?
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arbitralny, samowolny
He acts as the referee: setting the rules and arbitrating between opposing parties.
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pełnić rolę arbitra /rozjemcy, rozstrzygać spory
The ball rose in an unsteady arc and landed about 150 yards away.
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He arched his back.
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łuk, sklepienie łukowe, przęsło / wyginać w łuk
They're arch-enemies on the every field.
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brama, sklepione przejście
Concept of an archetype appears in areas relating to behavior, modern psychological theory, and literary analysis.
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Tomek is ardent supporter of Legia Warszawas
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troublesome, exhausting
That was the years of arduous work in the mine.
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trudny, męczący, ciężki (np. o podróży) / żmudny, mozolny (np. o nauce, o ćwiczeniach)
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niwa, płaszczyzna, arena
it is arguable whether ... or not
it is arguable... Deforestation is arguably the most serious environmental issue of our time.
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kwestią sporną jest, czy też nie...
... jest to, być może,...
Jack unfortunately always had an argumentative temperament
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rzeczowy, kłótliwy
aridity, barren
I saw animal skeleton in arid red desert. an arid climate
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jałowy / suchy (klimat)
to be Aries
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być spod znaku Barana
should the need arise
Should the need arise, he can defend himself
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w razie potrzeby
to arise from
Resentment seems to arise from the fact that...
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wynikać z, brać się z
Urazy zdają się wynikać z faktu, że...
arm in arm
They walked across the beach arm in arm.
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ramię w ramię
coat of arms
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Chinese armaments displyed in massive military parade was imprresive
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Kasia returned with an armful of books. She treats her Phd really serious.
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One young man was killed a few weeks before the Armistice. Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne
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zawieszenie broni, rozejm
Armour-clad tanks went to attack
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oddziały pancerne, zbroja
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arms race
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wyścig zbrojeń
is he around?
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on jest w pobliżu?
It may arouse his interest in the subject. “Educators must arouse interest in students by sharing stories, anecdotes, and examples with their real life experiences to ensure teaching takeaways
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arfik (wł.) – sposób wykonywania współbrzmień mający charakter ozdobnika, zaznaczany pionową linią falistą, poprzedzającą akord.
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home deliveries by arrangement
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dostawy domowe po uzgodnieniu
I'll make arrangements for you to be met
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załatwię, żeby ktoś po ciebie wyszedł
to come to an arrangement with sb
Can the parties come to an arrangement to form a government?
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dojść do porozumienia z kimś
an array of
There was a vast array of colours to choose from. We have an array of possibilities.
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You can see all the data on this array. His array was made of pure silk. They had been arrayed on a line and were ready to move out
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tablica, macierz/matryca, odzienie / ustawiać w szyku bojowym
Wszystkie dane są widoczne na tej tablicy. His array was made of pure silk.
Jack was in arrears with his rent all the time so he was ordered to pay rent arrears of £550... We’ve got 3 months' arrears to pay.
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Jack zalegał z czynszem cały czas
arrest sb
glen - dolina
Among the paintings that arrested my attention was one from a blind girl. The mountains from that painting are the most arresting feature of the glen.
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arresting beauty
She was real arresting beauty. Attracting and holding the attention; striking: an arresting musical composition.
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uderzająca piękność
congratulations on the new arrival
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gratulacje z okazji narodzin dziecka
arrive at conclusion
come to, reach conclusion
Could you please explain how you arrived at that conclusion?"
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dojść do wniosku
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work of art
work of art, artwork, art piece, piece of art or art object is an aesthetic physical item or artistic creation
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tętniczy, przelotowa droga
"the artful dodger"; "an artful choice of metaphors"
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pomysłowy, chytry, przebiegły
Do you know any dish that uses an artichoke?
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Czy znasz jakąkolwiek potrawę, która składa się z karczocha?
article of clothing
a covering designed to be worn on a person's body
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articles of association
A large proportion of companies' rules and regulations are to be dealt with in their articles of association
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umowa spółki
A large proportion of companies' rules and regulations are to be dealt with in their articles of association
articulated lorry
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ciężarówka przegubowa / naczepowa
They saw through the artifice.
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Oni przejrzeli tę sztuczkę
I bought this decorative vase from a skilled artisan back in the 80s.
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Kupiłem tę wazę dekoracyjną od uzdolnionego rzemieślnika w latach 80
as the years went by
passing, evanesence, elapsing
As the years went by I became a writer and illustrator, although exclusively of fantasies - Chris Van Allsburg
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w miarę upływu lat
as from tomorrow
Fares on all basketball games will rise as from tomorrow.
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od jutra
as for / to that
That's the answer. As for the cause, how do I know?
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co do tego, jeśli o to chodzi
Removal is not the only means of asbestos abatement. Asbestos and asbestos-bearing materials may be "enclosed" or "encapsulated" to prevent building occupants from being exposed to the fibers
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ascendancy ascension
wznosić się w powietrze, iść w górę formal
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wznosić się w powietrze, iść w górę formal
formal, written
The ascent took them a day, but they reached the summit.
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wzlot, wzniesienie, wspinaczka
Wspinaczka zajęła im cały dzień, ale zdobyli szczyt
formal: conform, determine
We're unable to ascertain who the culprits are.
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ustalać, konstatować
ascribe sth to
It is wrong to ascribe all that has happened simply to the war. Husbands are often mistaken in the virtues they ascribe to their wives... a magnificent painted ceiling, doubtfully ascribed to Holbein.
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jesion / popiół
John was ashen faced rascal
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popielaty, blady, śmiertelnie blady
Asia Minor
protrusion - wysunięcie
Anatolia in modern Turkish: Anadolu, in geography known as Asia Minor, Asian Turkey, Anatolian peninsula, or Anatolian plateau, is the westernmost protrusion of Asia, which makes up the majority of modern-day Turkey
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Azja Miniejsza
to brush objections aside
I can't brush aside my concerns.
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odsuwać na bok
Nie mogę odsunąć na bok moich obaw
aside from sth
apart from
Apart from the occasional comment, she said nothing after that abase
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oprócz, poza
Oprócz okazjonalnego komentarza, ona nic nie mówiła po tym poniżeniu
she asked after you
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pytała o ciebie, pytała, co u ciebie (słychać)
look askance
Her father looked askance at me. They looked askance at our scruffy clothes. A young boy looks askance at a smiling woman
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Jej ojciec patrzył na mnie podejrzliwie
His tie was askew. Why didn't somebody adjust it?
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krzywo, skos
asking price
The asking price for that car in Egypt was $7500.
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cena wywoławcza, początkowa
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żmija, osika
asparagus tips
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główki szparagów
Their aspect on this case is stupid. I am trying to understand your aspect.
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zapatrywanie, punkt widzenia
Jego pogląd na tę sprawę jest głupi. Staram się zrozumieć twój punkt widzenia
to cast aspersions on
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rzucać oszczerstwa na
formal: asphyxiate, suffocation
choke) dusić
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uduszenie się
Aspirate for several seconds to ensure no blood appears after insertion of the needle into the muscle.
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aspirować, aspirata (spółgłoska wymawiana z przydechem)
Po wkłuciu igły w mięsień, należy aspirować przez kilka sekund aby upewnić się, że nie pojawia się krew.
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napadać (na kogoś), napastować (kogoś), rzucać się (na kogoś)
Assault on a police officer was really nasty
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assault and battery
Assault and battery is the combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (crime) (physical violence).
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napaść i pobicie
I'm assembling a new Ikea cupboard. The people assembled outside the White House when Trump was sworn in as President
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montować, gromadzić
formal: consenet
Has he given his assent? Yep Governor-General is sitting now at a desk signing the Royal assent,
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assertion/ claim, stress
He asserted that no one will get a passing grade without submitting an essay. Social responsibility has begun to assert itself these days.
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twierdzić, zapewniać, utrzymywać / ukazywać się, występować, stać się powszechnym
On zapewnił, że nikt nie dostanie pozytywnej oceny bez przedłożenia eseju. Odpowiedzialność społeczna stała się obecnie bardziej powszechna
Ellen tried to assess how she felt.
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oszacować, nalicząć, oceniać
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With all his experience abroad he was a major asset to the company.
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aktywa, kapitał, cenny nabytek
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wykup majątku przedsiębiorstwa
A fictional example of asset stripping can be found in the 1987 film Wall Street.
formal: diligent, labourious
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wytrwały (w dążeniach), gorliwy, sumienny
formal active, busy, bustling, diligent
heavy reading assignments
An assignment is also a piece of academic work given to students.
The course has heavy reading assignments.
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duża liczba lektur obowiązkowych
He was quick to assimilate new ideas.
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przyswajać (przyswoić perf) sobie
He put one hand on the driving wheel, and the other on the arm. Pull the arm to start the machine
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podłokietnik, dźwignia w maszynie
He left his bag next to the aspen in the forest.
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On zostawił swoją torbę pod osiką w lesie
diminish, lower, shame
The members of the Political Executive Committee abased themselves once more.
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ukorzyć się (np. przed kimś), poniżyć

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