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sweet, hard, can be with chocolate inizia ad imparare
sweet, made from various fruit inizia ad imparare
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it is round, can be white or yellow, you can have it fried or scrumbled for breakfast inizia ad imparare
you can have it for breakfast with milk inizia ad imparare
kind of meat, goes usually with eggs for English breakfast inizia ad imparare
you can spread it on bread inizia ad imparare
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it is usually yellow, made from milk; a mouse likes it inizia ad imparare
for example: beef, pork, lamb... inizia ad imparare
it is an animal living in water, vegetarians can eat it inizia ad imparare
kind of meat, can go with curry inizia ad imparare
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it is a fruit, can be green or red inizia ad imparare
long, orange fruit from tropical countries inizia ad imparare
round, yellowish vegetable, you make chips from it inizia ad imparare
it is small, white, it grows mainly in China inizia ad imparare
it is popular in Italy, you use it for example for spaghetti inizia ad imparare
a yellow, alcoholic drink inizia ad imparare
for example cola, lemonade; you can't drink it during the lesson inizia ad imparare
drink made from a round, tropical fruit inizia ad imparare
you can drink it during the lesson inizia ad imparare
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individual sport: you need a bike inizia ad imparare
team sport: you need a bat and small ball, popular in the USA inizia ad imparare
you need music and you must know the steps inizia ad imparare
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catching animals which live under the water inizia ad imparare
team sport: World Cup in Brazil inizia ad imparare
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sitting on a big animal which is running inizia ad imparare
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martial arts, white or red clothes inizia ad imparare
martial arts, belts of different colour inizia ad imparare
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you can do this sport on the street, you need a thing with four small wheels inizia ad imparare
winter sport: mountains, two things you put on your feet inizia ad imparare
winter sport: you need ice, you can dance inizia ad imparare
winter sport: you put one thing on your feet inizia ad imparare
team sport: oval ball, big guys inizia ad imparare
water sport, very popular inizia ad imparare
sport with two players: small ball, blue and red samll racquets, flat thing with four legs inizia ad imparare
marital art: red and blue helmets inizia ad imparare
sport for two players: small, yellow ball; two rackets; court inizia ad imparare
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piece of wood used to hit the ball in baseball or cricket inizia ad imparare
a man who controls the footbal match inizia ad imparare
when the score of the match is 1 - 1 inizia ad imparare
a hard hat that protects players' heads, for example in rugby inizia ad imparare
when you are healthy and strong because you do regular physical exercise inizia ad imparare
a person who trains team members inizia ad imparare
the leader of a sports team inizia ad imparare
pair of glasses used during swimming inizia ad imparare
when the score or the match is 0 - 0 inizia ad imparare
small metal thing, used by referee to attract players' attention inizia ad imparare
two sticks used during skiing inizia ad imparare
the object used instead of a ball, during the game of badmington inizia ad imparare
an area of land covered by snow where you can ski inizia ad imparare
a game for two people played with 16 balls on a table inizia ad imparare
a weapon with a long metal blade used in fencing inizia ad imparare
a footbal player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his team's goal inizia ad imparare
a place for playing tannis inizia ad imparare
violent, rude people, who come for football matches inizia ad imparare