A07, 13.06.2016

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to pretend
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If I were you I would...
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gdybym był tobą, to bym...
I wouldn’t do it.
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Nie robiłaby tego.
I wouldn’t agree with this.
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Nie zgodziłabym się z tym.
major issues
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głowne kwestie
minor issued
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pomniejsze kwestie
scheduled for
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zaplanowany na
to adjourn the meeting
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zakonczyc spotkanie
to contribute
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mieć udział, wklad
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wkład, udzial
if it is required / if needed
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jeśli wymagane, jeśli trzeba
to participate
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brac udzial
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to recall
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przypomnieć sobie
to call back
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by then
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do tego czasu
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przewodniczący spotkania
to chair a meeting / to hold a meeting
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przewodniczyc spotkaniu

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