A05, 01.02.2016

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I heard on Tuesday...
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Słyszałam we wtorek...
I've just heard in the kitchen...
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Właśnie usłyszałam w kuchni...
One person left the office.
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Jedna osoba opuściła biuro.
In the future Pawel will leave the office.
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W przyszłości Paweł opuści buro.
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This team has a bad luck.
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Ten team ma pecha.
Good luck!
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a notice
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hand in a notice
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złożyć wypowiedzenie
walking papers
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wypowiedzenie nieformalnie
It doesn't matter.
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To niema znaczenia. Wszystko jedno.
The number is missing.
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Numeru brakuje.
The invoice lacks the number.
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Fakturze brakuje numeru.
correct invoice
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poprawna faktura
to correct the invoice
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poprawić fakturę
corrected invoice
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poprawiona faktura

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