A03, 09.11.2015

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delay in inglese
The same to you.
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Am I right?
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Mam rację?
Am I right in thinking?
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Dobrze myślę?
credit note
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faktura korygująca
to explain
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Przy telefonie.
What company are you from?
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Z jakiej firmy jesteś?
to destroy the invoice
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zniszczyć fakturę
to replace the invoice
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podmienić fakturę
Thank you for your cooperation.
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Dziękuję za współpracę.
On this invoice the exchange rate is missing.
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Na tej fakturze
The exchange rate is missing on that invoice.
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Kurs brakuje na tej fakturze.
There is an incorrect value on the invoice.
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Nie jest nieprawidłowa wartość na fakturze.
What solution do you propose/suggest?
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Jakie wyjście proponujesz?

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