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1. By surprise: He was taken aback by her caustic remarks. 2. Nautical In such a way that the wind pushes against the forward side of a sail or sails. 3. Archaic Back; backward. inizia ad imparare
to be taken aback być zaskoczony
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1. to make or become less in amount, intensity, degree, etc. the storm has abated 2 to diminish in intensity, violence, amount, etc.: The storm has abated. 3 Law. to end; become null and void. inizia ad imparare
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1. A deviation from the proper or expected course. See Synonyms at deviation. 2 Psychology A disorder or abnormal alteration in one's mental state inizia ad imparare
3. Genetics A deviation in the normal structure or number of chromosomes in an organism. 4An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens.
(tr) to assist or encourage, esp in crime or wrongdoing inizia ad imparare
nakłaniać do przestępstwa
to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest; loathe. inizia ad imparare
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To put up with; tolerate: can't abide such incompetence. See Synonyms at bear2. To wait patiently for: "I will abide the coming of my lord"3. To withstand: a thermoplastic that will abide rough use and great heat. inizia ad imparare
1. wytrzymywać 2. pozostawać 3. znosić to abide by- przestrzegać stosować się do
Lasting for a long time; enduring: an abiding love of music. inizia ad imparare
1. Brought low in condition or status. See Synonyms at mean2. 2. Being of the most contemptible kind: abject cowardice. 3. Being of the most miserable kind; wretched: abject poverty. inizia ad imparare
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abolish, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, eradicate, obliterate These verbs mean to get rid of: voted to abolish the tax; exterminated the cockroaches in the house; criticism that extinguished my enthusiasm inizia ad imparare
policies that attempt to extirpate drug abuse; scientists working to eradicate deadly diseases; a magnet that obliterated the data on the floppy disk.
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Having existed in a region from the beginning: aboriginal forests. See Synonyms at native. inizia ad imparare
The act of aborting an undertaking or procedure. To terminate an operation or procedure before implementation or completion. to terminate a pregnancy by abortion inizia ad imparare
1. Failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless: an abortive attempt to conclude the negotiations. 2. Biology Partially or imperfectly developed: an abortive organ. 3. Causing or meant to cause abortion; abortifacient. inizia ad imparare
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1. Causing abrasion: scratched the stovetop with an abrasive cleanser. 2. Harsh and rough in manner: an unpleasant, abrasive personality a substance that abrades inizia ad imparare
szorstki ścierny substancja ścierająca
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1. Side by side: ships docked two abreast. 2. Up to date: keeping abreast of the latest developments. inizia ad imparare
ramię w ramię, obok siebie trzymac kroku
Ten minutes was allowed for each speaker, so even this briefing was much abridged. inizia ad imparare
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1. To pronounce clear of guilt or blame. 2. To relieve of a requirement or obligation inizia ad imparare
1. To refrain from something by one's own choice: abstain from traditional political rhetoric. See Synonyms at refrain1. 2. To refrain from voting: Forty senators voted in favor of the bill, 45 voted against it, and 15 abstained. inizia ad imparare
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oklaskiwać okazywać uznanie uznanie
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pasować na rycerza wyróżnienie najwyższa pochwała
with one accord-zgodnie, to be in accord with- być zgodnym z, of ones accord-z własnej woli inizia ad imparare
in accordance with-zgodnie z inizia ad imparare
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zgodnie odpowiednio stosownie
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Accosted by a rather angry man whilst having a drink in a los angeles bar. inizia ad imparare
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she is accountable to me-odpowiada przede mną she is not accountable for her acctions-nie odpowiada za swoje czyny inizia ad imparare
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accrued interest-narost odsetek, to accrou to-przypadać w udziale inizia ad imparare
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she acquiainted him with the facts zapoznała go z faktami inizia ad imparare
to stike up the acquaintance inizia ad imparare
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It is a matter of fact that cannot be denied by anyone acquainted with the subject. inizia ad imparare
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silence is not nesearlly means acquiesence inizia ad imparare
His newly-acquired skills were tested. His poor vision was acquired as the result of a head injury inizia ad imparare
zdobywać zdobywać nabierać
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uniewinniać oczyszczać z zarzutów
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Acrid smoke. Acrid milky juice (Bailey 1949 ). Acrid taste. inizia ad imparare
gryzący cierpki ostry uszczypliwy drażniący acrid, means "having a strongly unpleasant taste or smell,
Correspondents said Thursday's motion, which passed 52-48, would make American politics even more acrimonious. inizia ad imparare
ostry uszczypliwy (o dyskusji debacie)
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Had he possessed the financial acumen to go with his engineering brilliance, he would have made a fortune. inizia ad imparare
bystrość przenikliwość orientacja
acute shortage-dotkliwy niedobór, acute sense of smell-czuły węch, acute mind-bystry umysł acute angle-kąt ostry inizia ad imparare
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All drivers must adhere to speed limits No one can do a job adequately if they adhere slavishly to that description. inizia ad imparare
przylegać przywierać stosować się do
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przyleganie przywieranie stosowanie się do
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np. Nie spodziewał się, że przyjdzie mu prowadzić ten wykład, ad hoc wymyślił więc temat zajęć.)
our house is adjecent to the church nasz dom sąsiaduje z kościołem inizia ad imparare
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in the adjoining house w sąsiednim domu. inizia ad imparare
we adjourned the meeting przesunęliśmy zebranie shall we adjourn to the garden-czy powinniśmy przejść do ogrodu? inizia ad imparare
przesówać (na później) odraczać przechodzić
Any such adjournment must, however, be with the specific agreement of both parties. inizia ad imparare
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improwizowany bez przygotowania
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admittance to elite private university libraries and archives is no longer required, as they increasingly digitise their archives. inizia ad imparare
These questions are admittedly unanswerable if one has dealt only with dream-symbolism inizia ad imparare
wprawdzie, co prawda trzeba przyznać
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The walls adorned with pictures of every type of boat. inizia ad imparare
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obsequious flattery or praise; extreme admiration inizia ad imparare
1. to debase or make impure by adding inferior, alien, or less desirable materials or elements. inizia ad imparare
oszukiwać fałszować rozcieńczać rozrzedzać
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse. inizia ad imparare
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1. showing warmth and friendliness; kindly; mild; benign 2. easy to converse with; approachable; amicable inizia ad imparare
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udawanie symulowanie afektacja
to make/swear an affidavit inizia ad imparare
pisemne oświadczenie pod przysięgą składać pisemne oświadczenie pod przysięgą.
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połączyć dołączyć afiliować
1. A natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship. 2. Relationship by marriage. 3. An inherent similarity between persons or things. See Synonyms at likeness. inizia ad imparare
1. sympatia pociąg 2. powinowactwo 3. podobieństwo
1. To declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true. 2. To support or uphold the validity of; confirm. inizia ad imparare
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oświeadczenie zatwierdzenie afirmacja
1. Asserting that something is true or correct, as with the answer "yes": an affirmative reply. 2. Giving assent or approval; confirming: an affirmative vote. 3. Positive; optimistic: an affirmative outlook. inizia ad imparare
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faworyzująca biedniejsze grupy społeczne (np. w dostępie do edukacji lub rynku pracy
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1. To secure to something; attach: affix a label to a package. 2. To impute; attribute: affix blame to him. 3. To place at the end; append: affix a postscript to a letter. 4. Grammar To add as an affix. inizia ad imparare
przymocowany przytwierdzony
to be afflicted with być dotkniętym (czymś), doświadczać (czegoś) inizia ad imparare
To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on
1. A plentiful supply of material goods; wealth. 2. A great quantity; an abundance. 3. A flowing to or toward a point; afflux. inizia ad imparare
dostatek dobrobyt obfitość
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Once more; anew; again: start afresh. inizia ad imparare
1. any result occurring some time after its cause 2. (Medicine) Med any delayed response to a stimulus or agent Compare side effect inizia ad imparare
1. A consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune: famine as an aftermath of drought. 2. A period of time following a disastrous event: in the aftermath of war. 3. A second growth or crop in the same season, as of grass after mowing. inizia ad imparare
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A further reaction following the shock of a deeply disturbing occurrence or revelation: "The industry continued to reel from aftershocks of a disastrous [year] inizia ad imparare
An idea, response, or explanation that occurs to one after an event or decision. inizia ad imparare
An idea, response, or explanation that occurs to one after an event or decision. inizia ad imparare
Struck by shock, terror, or amazement inizia ad imparare
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małe lotnisko lotnisko polowe
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prowizoryczne lądowisko pas lądowy
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pseudonim fałszywe nazwisko
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1. To assert to be true; affirm: alleging his innocence of the charge. 2. To assert without or before proof: The indictment alleges that the commissioner took bribes. inizia ad imparare
twierdzi powoływać się na
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wierność posłuszeństwo oddanie
To make (pain, for example) more bearable: a drug that alleviates cold symptoms. See Synonyms at relieve. inizia ad imparare
allot a task-przydzielać zadanie inizia ad imparare
przydzielać rozdielać wyznaczać
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To make an indirect reference: The candidate alluded to the recent war by saying, "We've all made sacrifices." inizia ad imparare
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charitable donations of money or goods to the poor or needy inizia ad imparare
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an acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha is Hawaiian inizia ad imparare
adv to keep/hold ~trzymać się z dalek inizia ad imparare
powściągliwy, pełen rezerwy, trzymający się z boku. Distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote: stood apart with aloof dignity.