9A Business

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misleading information
Although GAP stands for Genuine American Product, most of its clothes are __ in Asia.
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Although GAP stands for Genuine American Product, most of its clothes are manufactured in Asia.
In 1989 Pepsi-Cola __ a new product called Pepsi A.M., which was aimed at the 'breakfast cola drinker'. It was an immediate flop.
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In 1989 Pepsi-Cola launched a new product called Pepsi A.M., which was aimed at the 'breakfast cola drinker'. It was an immediate flop.
łączyć (się)
The Spanish airline Iberia __ with British Airways in 2011.
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The Spanish airline Iberia merged with British Airways in 2011.
Apple is considered one of the best companies in the world for the way they __ their products.
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to market
Apple is considered one of the best companies in the world for the way they market their products.
wytwarzać, produkować
Prosciutto is a kind of Italian ham. Two of the best known kinds are San Daniele and Parma, which are __ in the Friuli and Emilia regions of Italy, and are exported all over the world.
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Prosciutto is a kind of Italian ham. Two of the best known kinds are San Daniele and Parma, which are produced in the Friuli and Emilia regions of Italy, and are exported all over the world.
Prosciutto is a kind of Italian ham. Two of the best known kinds are San Daniele and Parma, which are produced in the Friuli and Emilia regions of Italy, and are __ all over the world.
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Prosciutto is a kind of Italian ham. Two of the best known kinds are San Daniele and Parma, which are produced in the Friuli and Emilia regions of Italy, and are exported all over the world.
przejmować coś / kontrolę
The Royal Bank of Scotland __ NatWest Bank in 2000, even though it was in fact a smaller rival.
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take over
The Royal Bank of Scotland took over NatWest Bank in 2000, even though it was in fact a smaller rival.
pojawić się / stać się / zostać
The supermarket chain Tesco __ the market leader in 1955, and is still the UK's biggest-selling chain.
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The supermarket chain Tesco became the market leader in 1955, and is still the UK's biggest-selling chain.
rozwijać (się), powiększać (się)
Zara shops were opened in Spain in 1975, but the company soon __ internationally.
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Zara shops were opened in Spain in 1975, but the company soon expanded internationally.
założyć coś
Nowadays it is quite a risk to __ a new business. In The UK, 20% of businesses fail in their first year.
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set up
Nowadays it is quite a risk to set up a new business. In The UK, 20% of businesses fail in their first year.
The cost of living in Iceland is so high because so many food products have to be __.
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The cost of living in Iceland is so high because so many food products have to be imported.
During a boom period, the economy __ quickly and living standards improve.
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During a boom period, the economy grows quickly and living standards improve.
zamykać (się)
During a recession, many companies __ and living standards drop.
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close down
During a recession, many companies closed down and living standards drop.
spadać, obniżać się
During a recession, many companies closed down and living standards __.
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During a recession, many companies closed down and living standards drop.
business with
do / make
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do business with
deal (business agreement)
do / make
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make a deal
a decision
do / make
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make a decision
a job
do / make
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do a job
a loss (opposite profit)
do / make
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make a loss
market research
do / make
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do market research
do / make
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make money
somebody redundant (sack somebody because he/she isn't needed any more)
do / make
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make somebody redundant
well / badly
do / make
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do well / badly
a group of shops, hotels, etc. owned by the same person or company
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a chain
an organization which produces or sells goods or provides a service
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a business
a company that has offices or factories in many countries
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a multinational
the main office of a company
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head office
an office or shop that is part of a larger organization, e.g. a bank
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a branch
the group of people who work for an organization
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the staff
someone who buys goods or services, for example from a shop or restaurant
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a customer
someone who receives a service from a professional person, for example from a lawyer
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a client
a person who works with you
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a colleague
the person with the highest rank in a company
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the CEO
the person who owns a business
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the owner
the person in charge of part of an oranization, for example a shop or a branch
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a manager
I went to the bank __ talk to my bank manager
clauses of purpose
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to / in order to / so as to
I went to the bank __ a meeting
clauses of purpose
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for (+a noun)
I went to the ban __ I could talk to the manager in person
clauses of purpose
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so that + subject + modal verb
responsible for
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in charge of
pracownicy (biurowi)
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ogłosić pretarg
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to invite tendes
wygrać kontrakt
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to win a contract
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prowadzić biznes / firmę
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to run a business / company
zwolnić kogoś (formal)
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to make redundant, to dismiss
zwolnić kogoś (informal)
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sack, fire
centrum handlowe (UK, US)
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shopping center - UK, shopping mall - US
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chief executive officer
type of product made by a particular company
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adverts, ads, advertisements
reklama w radiu lub w telewizji
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digitally changed details in a photograph
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kampania reklamowa
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an advertising campaign
famous people who promote a product
The footballer is the company's first ​male __.
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celebrity endorsers
The footballer is the company's first ​male celebrity endorser.
pozwać, zaskarżyć
He's threatening to __ the newspaper for slander (zniesławienie).
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sue [su]
He's threatening to sue the newspaper for slander.
którykolwiek, jakikolwiek
__option we choose there'll be disadvantages.
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