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feeling of strong, often active, dislike or opposition towards something or someone
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unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with something
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not kind or helpful to someone who is having problems
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a feeling of intense dislike or an unwillingness to do sth, it can also be the person or thing which causes that feeling
Have/ feel an aversion
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a feeling of strong dislike
Pet aversion
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a thing that I dislike most of all, personal hate
Averse to
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strongly disliking or opposed to
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to hate someone or something
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a strong feeling of hating someone or something
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extremely unpleasant
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to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral
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intense disgust
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is completely unacceptable because it seems morally wrong
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lack of respect for sth or someone felt to be worthless
Scorn (v)
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to show that you think that something is stupid, unreasonable, or not worth accepting
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showing lack of respect
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if something revolts you, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick and shocked
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a strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person's behaviour, etc.:
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extremely unpleasant, disgusting
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if something or someone repulses you, you think that they are extremely unpleasant, disgust
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opposite of strong attraction
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extremely unpleasant, in a way that almost makes you feel sick, revolting, disgusting
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lacking taste, character or interest for egzampl food etc.
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too confident, too bright for egzample clothes
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dull in appearance or lacking style for egzampl clothes, person especially women
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changing opinions suddenly without reason
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Old fashioned
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Always wanting more money
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Too concerned about unimportant details
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Unpleasant and rude
Obsequious -
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Too eager to praise or obey people
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too eager to tell people what to do
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showing rude lack of interest in others
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displaying wealth or possessions In a vulgar way
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Too formal and showing that you think that you are more important than other people
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trying to appear more serious or important than you are
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Too silly and childish
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Not taking care in the way you work
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Very dirty and unpleasant
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Lacking in originality, banal
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Crave, have a craving for
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to have an extremely strong desire for something
be walking, floating or treading on air
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If you are walking on air, you are so happy that you feel as if you could float.
Hanker after, have a hankering for
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to have a strong wish for something, especially if you cannot or should not have it
Thirst, have a thirst for, to hunger for
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to feel very strongly that you want and need a particular thing
to yearn towards sb
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to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have
Yearn to do sth, Yearn for, have yearning for
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you want to have sth but you can never have
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To want, to possess it very much
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Make a dangerous or tense situation calmer
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Stop someone feeling angry
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End a disagreement between two people or groups by acting in a friendly way towards both sides
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End a disagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding
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describes (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings that are impossibleto change:
Implacable hatred
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an angry feeling of extreme dislike for someone or something impossible to change
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be extremely happy
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the process of getting better after an illness, injury etc., cure
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feel great pleasure and happiness of success
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expressing great happiness especially at a victory
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extreme pleasure or happiness
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showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
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Perfect happiness
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not understanding or realizing something
Full of the joys of spring
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Be very happy
Baby girl
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A very young girl, child
to be thrilled to bits
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To be extremely happy
to feel on top of the world
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To be extremely happy
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selling or marketing goods and services by phone
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the same as telesales
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phoning people who have not requested a call in order to try to sell them sth
hard sell
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attempt to sell sth by being very forceful
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feeling doubt or not feeling certain
inertia selling
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when a company behaves as if you agreed to buy sth because you didn’t refuse it
confusion marketing
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selling products and services in a package, in a way that makes it very difficult to work out which company is cheapest
loss leader
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an item being sold very cheaply to attract a lot of people
niche market
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Small group of customers with particular interests that company can meet
brand loyalty
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Confidence in that particular make and a tendency always to choose it
shop around
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Trying different companies or shops to see which offers best value
on approval
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You have the right to return it if it isn’t satisfactory
have first refusal on sth
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the opportunity to buy something before it is offered to anyone else
come, go under the hammer
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It is sold at an auction
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offering the highest bid
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producing a lot of money
red tape
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Joining together to form one new company
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a situation in which a company gets control of another company by buying enough of its shares:
reach a compromise
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Come to an agreement in which both sides have to give in a little bit on what they would have otherwise liked
hammer out a deal
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Talk seriously and in detail until a business agreement is made
be swallowed up
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Taken over by a larger company
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(a situation causing) difficulty or trouble
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Involvement in business and taking financial risks
capital assets
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Buildings and machines owned by a company
put in, submit a tender
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To supply a written offer to do a job for an agreed price
win a tender
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To be given a job, after submitting a tender
meet a deadline
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To supply something by the agreed time
miss a deadline
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fail to supply something by the agreed time
penalty clause
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Part of a contract specifying what will happen if the agreement is broken
outstanding account
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An account that has not yet been paid
default on a payment
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To fail to pay something that had been agreed
acknowledge receipt
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To inform the sender when something is received
ship an order
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To send out goods that have been ordered
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Sended goods
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To end of something that was agreed for a fixed period
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The end of something that was agreed for a fixed period
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to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals
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Amount of confidence felt by a person or group
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Working together for a common purpose
a square deal
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a fair and honest treatment
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to try to do something
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not able to exist or work with another person or thing because of basic differences
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to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period
survival of the fittest
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Natural selection conceived of as a struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted to existing conditions are able to survive and reproduce
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great beauty that attracts admiration and attention
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a sweet or pleasant smell
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to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person
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a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf
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a person in some societies who cures people using traditional magic ormedicine
chief executive
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the person with the most important position in a company or organization
personal gesture
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A private action, motion, sign
award for achievement
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A reward, prize for something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing
turn your hand to
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to begin to or to be able to do something
the human factor
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Human agent, human influence
amass a fortune
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Collecting a huge amount of money
conduct business
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the activity of making money by producing or buying and selling goods, or providing services
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a small bed for a baby, especially one that moves gently from side to side, cot
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courage shown when you are in great pain or experiencing a lot of trouble, strength
make medical history
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do sth medically unusual
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women’s organ where egg develops into baby
deliver a baby
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help mother to give birth
Caesarean section
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operation in which mother’s stomach and womb are cut to allow baby to be born
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Tissue joining the foetus i.e. the developing baby, to the mother and giving it food
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a baby or young animal before it is born
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Medical word for womb
ectopic pregnancy
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When the egg develops outside the womb in the fallopian tube
fallopian tube
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one of the two tubes in a female through which eggs move to the uterus
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the part of a female that produces eggs
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Become pregnant
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the process of giving birth to a child, labour
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the process of giving birth to a child
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when a woman is pregnant, has a baby growing inside her body
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become pregnant
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the ability of a person, animal, or plant to produce babies, young animals, or seeds
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intentional ending of a pregnancy, abortion
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an early unintentional end of pregnancy
ripe old age
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living well into old age
live to a ripe old age
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Live for a long time, until you get very old
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now dead
sheltered accommodation
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special housing for old people
have all one’s wits about them
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be able to think and react quickly
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express sadness after sb’s death
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Expressing their sadness after someone’s death
be bereaved
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A situation when close friend or relative has just died
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legal document saying what is to happen to your possessions after your death
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service where a dead body is burned
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service where a dead body is buried in the ground
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the remains of your body after cremation
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throw (people sometimes have their ashes scattered in a place which has special associations for them)
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a boy or young man (informal)
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newspaper articles giving details about the lives of people who have died
be at death’s door
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be close to death
be on one’s last legs
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be close to death
pass away
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euphemism for die
pass on
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euphemism for die
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dead people
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Dead person, especially in an accident or by being killed
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To kill
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violently killed
the deceased
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the dead person
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to officially arrange for someone to have something that you own after your death, leave
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money or property which you arrange to give to someone after your death
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To receive something from someone who has died
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money, property etc. that you receive from someone who has died
die intestate
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without having made a will

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