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nie bądź taki drobiazgowy inizia ad imparare
showing too much concern with small details, especially in a way that annoys other people - used to show disapproval
być skrupulatnym w robieniu czegoś; służbista, pedant inizia ad imparare
be a stickler for detail/rules/Accuracy
osoba szukająca dziury w całym inizia ad imparare
Soames was getting impatient WITH his daughter's constant nitpicking. when someone argues about small unimportant details or tries to find small mistakes in something
przykładasz tyle uwagi do szczegółu inizia ad imparare
you have such attention to detail
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there's a new film in the cinema
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our concern for human rights the RISE of concern about the environment
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TO GET impatient WITH sth / sb
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a grilled pork/lamb chop a small piece of meat on a bone, usually cut from a sheep or pig
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the upper part of the CHICKEN LEG
nóżka kurczaka, pałeczka do gry na perkusji inizia ad imparare
is the lower part of the CHICKEN LEG
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Would you like another cup? Will you stay for a cup of tea?
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kitchenware, kitchen utensils utensil - a thing such as a knife, spoon etc that you use when you are cooking kitchenware - Utensils, such as pots and pans, for use in a kitchen.
szpachelka, szpatułka (kuchenna) szpatułka (do nakładania maści, badania gardła) inizia ad imparare
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a pot of soup simmering on the stove
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a lethal cocktail of painkillers and whisky The book contains a powerful cocktail of romance, family crises and big business.
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rutabaga /rutabeig/, swede /sw:d/ a round yellow vegetable that grows under the ground
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APRICOT /ei- BrE/ A- AmE/
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serial / cereal - homonyms Would you like some cereal?
A series contains the same characters throughout, but each episode is a different story. inizia ad imparare
series (ˈsɪəriːz)/ serial A serial is a single story broken INTO episodes [Dallas] serial - a story that is broadcast or printed in several separate parts on television, in a magazine etc
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used to say that there is not enough space for everyone to fit in comfortably inizia ad imparare
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zucchini /z-/, courgette BrE
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coriander U, cilantro AmE
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on Facebook and elsewhere
możesz zalogować się przez fb inizia ad imparare
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to put the volume up/down
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dołącz do nas w chatboksie inizia ad imparare
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to go through some questions
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blocked sinuses/ a sinus infection
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London's roads are heavily congested (=very congested).
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I feel really bloated after that meal.
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One of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race.
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to get/have hiccups BrE; get/have the hiccups American English
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an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often
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a piece of thin material that is stuck to the skin to cover cuts and other small wounds
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difficult to cut or eat ≠ tender
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dozens of people/companies/cars The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozen.
spadek inizia ad imparare
trough; The graph showed peaks and troughs of activity.
porównaj, patrz (używane jako odnośnik w tekście; skrót od łac. 'confer') inizia ad imparare
used in writing to introduce something else that should be compared or considered
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in Ireland, a lake or a part of the sea almost surrounded by land
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The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.
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long thin pieces of iron formed into shapes to make gates, fences etc
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brać odwet, odpłacać się, mścić się inizia ad imparare
wreak (wreakED/wrought) havoc/mayhem/destruction (on something) wreak revenge/vengeance (on somebody) formal to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something they have done to you to cause a lot of damage or problems:
spustoszenie, zniszczenie, dewastacja chaos, zamęt, zamieszanie inizia ad imparare
mayhem; to cause/create/wreak mayhem (U)
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a collection of dishes to TEMPT your palate It tasted very strange, at least to my untrained palate.
wyjść (skądś), opuścić (jakieś miejsce) inizia ad imparare
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sorry i didn't realise this was your seat
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He just grunted and carried on reading his book.
odburknąć, odezwać się opryskliwie inizia ad imparare
to say something in a loud whisper inizia ad imparare
She hissed at me to be quiet. Get out!' she hissed furiously.
czy jego nikczemność/niegodziwość nie ma końca inizia ad imparare
is there no end to your wickedness?
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She implored the soldiers to save her child. implore somebody to do something
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gdy kota nie ma myszy harcują inizia ad imparare
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It was raining HARD when we left the building.
jestem niezwykle podekscytowana inizia ad imparare
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a short thin piece of wire inside electrical equipment which prevents damage by melting and stopping the electricity when there is too much power
dziki, powtórnie zdziczały inizia ad imparare
feral animals used to live with humans but have become wild
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make a distinction/a difference between... It could make the difference between missing your train and getting to work on time.
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in terms of = ABOUT / concerning
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It would give him another chance to drop a hint about how cold he was.
dziadek drzemał na krześle inizia ad imparare
Grandad was dozing in his chair.
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TURN OVER the earth so that seeds can be planted
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It's possible he was waiting elsewhere.
przywołuje wspomnienia z przeszłości inizia ad imparare
it brings back memories from the past
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exchange something for something
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the natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of something inizia ad imparare
nie mogę wyprostować kolan inizia ad imparare
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to play truant / to play hooky = to skive
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The verb 'to go' conjugates irregularly.
powinnaś była przyjąć tamtą pracę inizia ad imparare
you ought have taken that job.
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to recommend (that) sb do sth recommend doing something
to send someone or something somewhere for a particular purpose inizia ad imparare
Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours.
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to be out of stock of sth
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As soon as we receive your item back it will be processed for an exchange/refund as requested.
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She smoked and drank, neglected the children, and left the clothes unmended. Many of these ideas have been neglected by modern historians.
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someone who lets other people treat them badly and never complains: inizia ad imparare
Don't let him treat you like a doormat.
someone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people inizia ad imparare
She became a recluse after her two sons were murdered.
someone who is always talking too proudly about what they own or have done inizia ad imparare
if you are rash, you do things too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether they are sensible or not inizia ad imparare
It was rather rash of you to lend them your car.
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You're the highest bidder on this item, but you're close to being outbid.
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oil floats if you pour it on water
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Country music is growing in popularity. gain/grow/increase in popularity
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choroba układu oddechowego inizia ad imparare
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Scratchiness in the throat
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an occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight, causing you pain inizia ad imparare
Maggie felt a muscle spasm in her back. Tom's jaw muscles had gone into spasm.
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lek sprzedawany bez recepty inizia ad imparare
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Colleagues were envious of her success.
to appear, sometimes unexpectedly inizia ad imparare
all these ideas were popping UP Click here, and a list of files will pop up.
otrzymać owację na stojąco inizia ad imparare
to receive a standing ovation
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it depends on the individual
zmienić coś w coś pozytywnego inizia ad imparare
turn sth into a positive thing
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They hope his election will act as a catalyst FOR reform. something or someone that causes an important change or event to happen
przeszkadzam, że przeszkadzam inizia ad imparare
Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you to come downstairs.
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a woman who works as a cleaner, especially in someone's house
nie spieszyć się, żeby coś zrobić inizia ad imparare
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a disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
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operated on a tips-only basis
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Open daily, adults £4, concessions £2 (=people who have the right to a concession pay £2). To qualify for travel concessions you have to be 60.
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jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz inizia ad imparare
you've made the bed, now LIE in it
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if someone's honesty, kindness, knowledge etc knows no bounds, they are extremely honest etc
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doświadczenie, które przynosi mnóstwo satysfakcji inizia ad imparare
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be on the lookout for somebody/something We're always on the lookout for new business opportunities./ Police were on the lookout for anyone behaving suspiciously. to continuously watch a place or pay attention in order to find something you want or to be ready for problems or opportunities
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karki z życzeniami na każdą okazję inizia ad imparare
greetings cards for every occasion
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reimburse your petrol costs; to reimburse sth to reimburse sb for sth => The company will reimburse you for travel expenses.