5 styczeń

 0    11 schede    KamilKucz
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at the crack of dawn
I’m afraid I must get going. I have to get up at the crack of dawn.
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o brzasku
at the end of the day
At the end of the day, you’ll need to take a final decision.
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w końcu
at the turn of the century
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na przełomie wieków
the end of an era
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koniec epoki
those were the days
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kiedyś to były czasy
pretty damn quick (PDQ)
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migiem, piorunem
I’ve spent the last fortnight in London
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dwa tygodnie (czternaście nocy)
out of the blue
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all at once
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poprzednio, niegdyś
once upon a time
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dawno, dawno temu

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