4 Vocabulary

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Domanda English Risposta English
pass sth on (to sb) / pass on sth (to sb)
Could you pass the message on to your classmates?
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a piece of information that another person has told you
Mógłbyś przekazać tę wiadomość swoim kolegom z klasy?
make sth up / make up sth
I was late at work so I made up an excuse.
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invent an excuse, explanation, a story etc.
Spóźniłam się do pracy, więc wymyśliłam jakąś wymówkę.
turn out
I wasn't looking forward to the evening, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.
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happen in a particular way or have a particular result, which is offten unexpected
Nie czekałam na ten wieczór, ale okazało się, że było dużo zabawy.
run sb/sth over / run over sb/sth
I accidentially ran over a cat last night.
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hit sb or sth while you are driving and knock them to the ground
Przypadkiem przejechałem wczoraj w nocy kota.
go off
The bomb went off at exactly 6:36 a.m.
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when a bomb goes off, it explodes
Bomba wybuchła dokładnie o 6:36 rano
run away
The thief took my bag and ran away.
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leave a place quickly because you are frightened or don't want to get caught
Złodziej zabrał moją torbę i uciekł.
work sth out / work out sth
It took me ages to work out the answer to question three.
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understand or find the answer to sth by thinking about it
Wieki zajęło mi znalezienie odpowiedzi na trzecie pytanie.
get away with sth
He travelled on a false passport and got away with it.
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avoid punishment for sth
On podróżował z fałszywym paszportem i wymigał się od tego.
knock sb out / knock out sb
The mugger hit the man so hard that he knock him out.
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hit sb hard so that they become unconscious
Bandyta uderzył mężczyznę tak mocno, że go znokautował.
come round
When he came round, he couldn't remember anything.
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become conscious again after being knocked out
Kiedy odzyskał przytomność (ocknął się), nic nie pamiętał.
a novelist
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a person who write novels
a literary genre
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literature which has the same style or subject, e.g. horror, romance etc.
chick lit
chick flick
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a genre of fiction which focuses on young woman and her emotional lives
(= a film in that genre)
a plot
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the story of a book, film, play etc.
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a brief description of the book's contents found on the back cover
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walk around the shop looking at things, but without planning to buy anything.
a paperback
a hardback
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a book that has a cover made of thin card
(= an opposite)
flick through
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look quickly at the pages of a book, magazine, newspapet etc.
contents page
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the list of items in a book or magazine showing the page number they begin on
I'm dying for a drink.
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I'm very thirsty.
I'm speechless.
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I'm very shocked, suprised ot angry.
I'm over the moon.
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I'm very happy.
I'm scared stiff.
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I'm very frughtened.
I'm starving.
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I'm very hungry.
I'm going out of my mind.
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I'm very worried.
It costs a fortune.
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It's very expensive.
It's a nightmare.
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It's a very difficult situation.
It's killing me.
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It is very painful.
It drives me crazy.
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It makes me very angry.
It takes forever.
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It takes a very ling time.
It weights a ton.
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It's very heavy.

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