4 stycznia

 0    19 schede    KamilKucz
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the day before yesterday
"The day before yesterday with President Assad, he is prepared for such a dialogue."
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the day before yesterday in inglese
the other day
I guess I saw your neighbour in the shopping mall the other day.
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niedawno (np. kilka dni temu)
in those days
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[wtedy] w tamtych czasach
back then
Back then, it was easier to get a job.
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kiedyś, wtedy
at that time
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after a while
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po jakimś czasie
before that
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przed tym
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by the time
By the time I arrived there, the guests had eaten the cake.
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by then
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do tego czasu, wtedy
later on
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While I was watching TV, my fiancé was cooking dinner. Life could not be any better
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podczas gdy
I suddenly realized that I was in danger.
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in an hour
I think I will leave the house in an hour.
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za godzinę
the day after tomorrow
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this time next week
This time next week, I will be cooking dinner.
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w przyszłym tygodniu o tej porze
in the coming years
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w nadchodzących latach
one day
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pewnego dnia (np. w przyszłości)

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